Page 36 - Eternal LIfe
P. 36
The Surety of the
of God’s People
Christ said of His people, "I give unto them eternal life; and they shall
never perish, neither shall any man pluck them out of my hand." (Joh
10:28) He did not say, I o er unto them eternal life, and if they will
accept it I will give it to them; otherwise they will perish eternally.
Bible readers should pay close attention to what Christ said concern-
ing the doctrine of His people and their eternal security.
Nothing, and no one, can separate them from His
love. (Ro 8:32-39) He promised them eternal life
before the foundation of the world, and
all His promises will most certainly be
kept for He cannot lie. (Tit 1:2) Many of
them are enemies of the true gospel but because
they are embraced in His electing love He will not
repent of having chosen them in Christ nor of
anything else He has done for them, and in faith-
fulness to His promises to the Hebrew fathers
such as Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, He will not
cast them o forever. (Ro 11:28) e eternal secu
rity of His people could not be any more secure. Hence, while we remain
here on earth let us prove to be faithful "ambassadors for Christ" by
living God-honoring lives and by beseeching those who are in error to
"be reconciled to God" in the sense of embracing His truth and laying
down the doctrines of men. (2Co 5:20) And the reason for this is be-
cause God has already "made Him (Christ) to be sin for us, who (Christ)
knew no sin; that we might be made the righteousness of God in Him"