Page 40 - Eternal LIfe
P. 40

Jesus’ Prayers

                                                   Have you guessed yet?

                Our Topic is Eternal Life.

       And I know I may have tricked you to get here, but sometimes, you have to

       establish  undeniable  truth  before  you  can  apply  common  sense  teaching.

       And here it is: Jesus prayed unto the father in John chapter 17. It’s worthy of

       your careful attention.  He defines those the father gave him, and declares he
       has kept them.  None of them were lost, except the son of  perdition.  Think

       about that.  From Adam to Judas, among the millions of elect, only the one

       foretold was lost.  Most of them never knew they had eternal life in the sense
       we understand it today, and could never rejoice in how secure it actually is.

       Jesus’ prayer is to keep you in the saved condition he has placed you.

       What’s your assessment?  Can we lose our eternal life?
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