Page 26 - Eternal LIfe
P. 26
We still have this flesh nature to battle, and even the best of use might
succumb to a misguided course to the extent, and for such a length of
time, that it could greatly blunt our spiritual lives and, at least for a
season, strip us of all heavenly joys reducing us to into such a state of
darkness, deadness and coldness that we would loss sight of the blessed-
ness we once knew and were left to wander in gloom and virtual hope-
lessness. This, to a child of God, is death of the worst sort. Some have
drifted so far away from God that they lost some of the gifts and abilities
God had given them, and even though they later returned to the timely
fold they were never again as useful in the militant kingdom as they
could have been had they not strayed.
Outside the church
family, it’s a cold and
lonely world. There is
bitterness, heartache
and an outer darkness.
The only way we can avoid such an eventuality is to mortify the deeds of
the body by the help of the Spirit. If we underestimate the corruption of our
flesh and the danger we place ourselves in when we dally with sin, there is
little chance that we will not stumble spiritually and be severely injured. We
are the loser every time we walk after the flesh, but if we live after the flesh
for any length of time there is a death awaiting us that will bring us much
anguish of soul and can possibly even issue in corporeal death. My the Lord
help us to live close to Him, seeking first His kingdom and His righteous-
ness, for if we do not we will be on dangerous ground, and we will pay a
high price for our folly.