Page 22 - Eternal LIfe
P. 22
Elder Ralph Harris Elder Ralph Harris
God’s people confused on the gift of eternal salvation - that is, eter-
nal salvation is a gift of God, bestowed upon His children, chosen
before the foundation of the world, the very ones for which His be-
loved son Jesus came, suffered and died for, to secure their eternal
life - are also confused about the eternity of such a gift.
Such people (and to be clear, these people are God’s chosen, but
they are lost in a man-made religion that they have entitled
Christianity), are constantly falling from grace or in a state of
stumbling believing their eternal life can be pulled out from
under them like a rug. While there is ample talk in the scriptures
of death ("If ye live after the
flesh, ye shall die" Romans
8:13), we know Paul was not
speaking of an eternal death. He
was addressing church members
at Rome.