Page 25 - Eternal LIfe
P. 25

Eternal Life Cannot Be Lost

                                                There is a great deal of comfort to the enlight-
                                                ened children of God in knowing that the saints

                    Romans                      are  secure  in  Christ.  But  how  extremely  dis-

                    8:32-39                     tressing it would be to know that after all God

                                                has  done  for  His  people  they  might  still  be
                                                finally lost. How sad it would be if after God

                      is also an                had  chosen  them  in  Christ,  and  Christ  had

                excellent proof                 wrought  out  a  perfect  righteousness  for  them

                     text here.                 and died for their sins, and the Holy Spirit had
                                                given them eternal life and a number of other

                                                divine gifts, they should still be forever

        consigned to the miseries of eternal fire! God forbid that we should think for
        one moment that such a monstrous thing could be true! Knowing my own

        fickle nature, if I really believed that such an awful failure was possible, I

        could never draw a peaceful breath; I could never have a peaceful moment
        on this earth.

        If God's people were not saved solely on the basis of His eternal covenant
        and its unalterable stipulations, then none of them would be saved at all. All

        would be doomed. But by virtue of the fact that He puts His Spirit within

        them and writes His laws in their hearts and prints them in their minds, their

        relationship with Him is of infinite duration. The life He gives His people is
        eternal, and by its very nature cannot be lost. The saints may, and often do,

        temporarily lose the joy of that life by their failure to walk as close to God

        as they should, but they cannot lose the life itself.

        Dear Lord, help us to be everlastingly thankful to Thee for "the sure mercies

        of David" (Isaiah 55:3 and Acts  13:34). "Israel shall be saved in the Lord

        with an everlasting salvation" (Isaiah 47:17).
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