Page 4 - Eternal LIfe
P. 4
LOST - CHILD OF GOD Many children of God
Elder Ralph Harris labor under the false idea that it
is possible for them to lose
their eternal life. But lost eter-
nal life is an oxymoron. It is a
glaring contradiction of terms.
Christ says of His people, "I give
unto them eternal life, and they
shall never perish." (John 10:28,
Had Eternal Life, Lost it Over Summer
This statement alone settles the matter and should be enough
for any sober - thinking person, but He nails it down even fur-
ther when He goes on to show that no man is able to pluck
them out of His hand or His Father's hand (ver 29). In John
6:38-39 He declares that He came down from heaven to do the
will of His Father and He tells us what that will was: "This is the
Father's will which hath sent me, that of all which he hath given
me I should lose nothing, but should raise it up again at the
last day."
God’s People Cannot be Finally Lost
Any scripture presented in an effort to contradict these plain
statements are obviously misunderstood, misapplied, and
misinterpreted. The Bible does not contradict itself. I sup-
pose anyone would agree that the truth is better than error.
Hence, the Bible doctrine of the security of the saints is far
better than the doctrine which asserts that God's people can
be eternally lost.