How Do We Define Grace? 

   Latest Update:   Aug 22,  929

                         Over 900 Graphics Teaching on Sovereign Grace

Let's Rightly Divide Some Misunderstood Positions Regarding Salvation
Accepting Christ   Elder Mark Green Not All the Elect of God Obey      Elder Vernon Johnson

Who's Ultimately Responsible for Eternal Life?  Royce Ellis

Who are the Children of God?          Royce Ellis

No Place for the Word      Royce Ellis Can We Identify Who's Elect?     Royce Ellis
Salvation  Royce Ellis Why is Salvation so Confusing to the World?      Royce Ellis
The Impossibility of Eternal Salvation    Royce Ellis Who Then Can Be Saved? Matt 19:25      Royce Ellis
God So Loved the World  Elder TS Dalton John 3:16 - Called of God
So Loved, Yet Damned?  Brett McKee Acts 13:48 A Companion to John 3:16     Royce Ellis
A Closer Look at John 3:16   Royce Ellis The Circle of Life - Covenant Election
Lurking Contradictions   Elder Daniel Samons Are Children Born into God's Family?    Elder S. A. Paine
Doctrine, Not Doctrines - Salvation  Elder J H Oliphant The Age of Accountability Error     Royce Ellis
Not Willing That Any Should Perish 2 Peter 3:9  Royce Ellis Will God Have All Men to Be Saved 1 Tim 2:4 Royce Ellis
The World Trips over 2 Peter 3:9 Gospel Preached to the Dead?  1 Pe 4:5-6   Royce Ellis
Define "Perish"  2 Peter 3:9  Elder Marty Smith Works Won't Work for Me   Royce Ellis
Are you Saved by the Gospel in 2 Th 2:14?  Royce Ellis The Sinner's Prayer    Royce Ellis
Salvation Out of Order  2 Th 2:13  Royce Ellis Saved and Saved Again    Royce Ellis
Special Circumstances for Salvation   Royce Ellis Revelation 3:20  Door of the Heart?    Royce Ellis 
Time or Gospel Salvation     Royce Ellis Schrödinger's Saviour     Royce Ellis
Such as Should be Saved     Royce Ellis Diving Deep into John Chapter 6    Royce Ellis
The Certainty of Redemption   Elder John Daily Reducing the Number by Restrictive Language   oyce Ellis
Preservation vs Perseverance    Elder Daniel Samons What About Old Testament Saints?  Royce Ellis
Many are Called, Few are Chosen   Royce Ellis Can We Be Separated?  Royce Ellis
Social Media Salvation     Elder Daniel Samons Man's Role in Eternal Salvation  Royce Ellis
Salvation Certain     Elder S.A. Paine Which Jesus?    Elder Neil Phelan
No One Can Say Jesus is Lord   Royce Ellis All Means All?     Elder Daniel Samons
All is Not What it Seems - Spurgeon All Men vs the Entire Human Race  Elder Marty Smith
Is the Infant Ungodly?   Elder S.A. Paine Saved When, Exactly?     Elder Dan Samons
Praying for Salvation   Time Salvation?     
Are You Safer Before the Gospel Arrives?      Bro. Royce Ellis     Elder Buddy Abernathy

FLIPBOOKS - Flash Booklets on Various Subjects   

Text and illustrations come together in an electronic booklet form you can read online or on a mobile device.
Memorial Stones in the Jordan 12 or 24?      PDF        Royce Ellis    The Blessings of Shipwreck    Royce Ellis    
True Gospel Evangelism A Giant Prophecy   Royce Ellis
Eternal Life - a Series of Short Essays Free Will - Various Authors
Zion's Lamp - Most Recent Edition  
Preaching and Evangelism.  Does the Gospel Play in the New Birth?  To Whom are The Scriptures Written?

Gospel   Royce Ellis

Faster than the Speeding Gospel   Royce Ellis

Roman Road  Royce Ellis

Repaving the Roman Road   Royce Ellis

Glorious Preaching of the Gospel  Elder Ralph Harris

The Light of the Gospel   RoRoyce Ellisyce Ellis

Foolish Preaching   Elder Ralph Harris

Head Out of Tune with the Heart - Gospel Purpose  Elder Ralph Harris

The Purpose of the Gospel 2 Ti 1:10  Royce Ellis The Purpose of the Gospel Part 2  Royce Ellis
Purpose of the Gospel 1 Cor 4:15  Royce Ellis Counterfeit Gospel  Elder Ralph Harris

The Curse of Preaching  Royce Ellis

Generic Gospel - 2 Co 2:14

Any Other Gospel? Elder Ralph Harris

Mystery of the Gospel 1 Tim 3:16

Why Preach? 

People the Gospel Can't Reach  Royce Ellis

If Our Gospel Be Hidden  2 Co 4:3-4 Royce Ellis

Limited Window for the Gospel   Royce Ellis

Gospel Power to Save  Royce Ellis

Gospel Impact  Royce Ellis

Gospel Waters - Begotten of the Gospel    RRoyce Ellisoyce Ellis

The Gospel Pyramid Scheme    Royce Ellis

Gospel Work Order    Royce Ellisf

Can't See the Gospel of Christ from Here...Royce Ellis

Flesh and Blood Play No Part    How's Your Reception?   Royce Ellis

I'd Like to Teach the World to Sing   Royce Ellis

Truth Can Withstand the Most Intense Scrutiny   Royce Ellis

Conversation with a Cannibal   Royce Ellis

Sow What?  100,60, 30 Fold in Matthew 13

Preaching Where No Man's Gone Before Acts 18:9 Elder Ralph Harris

Where Do the Indecisive Go?   Elder Ralph Harris

This Means War  Royce Ellis

The Great Commission  Elder Don Watson

Street Preachers Dilemma  Royce Ellis Back on the Street  Royce Elliss

Just Do One Good Thing   Royce Ellis

Home in Heaven   Royce Ellis

Commission or Command?  Acts 26:12

Scared into Heaven   Royce Ellis

Does it Matter Which Version?   Royce Ellis

Old Words, Old Meanings - Begotten  Royce Ellis

The World's Greatest Preacher   Royce Ellis

Slow of Heart - The Road to Emmaus Luk 24:25   Royce Ellis

An Experiment in Absurdities   Elder Bill Allen

Good News, Bad News  Elder Wayne Crocker

Instruction at the Tomb of Lazarus  Elder Keith Ellis

Foolishness or Stumbling Block? 1 Co 1:23 Royce Ellis

A Piece of My Mind  1 Co 2:14   Royce Ellis

Awkward Position  Royce Ellis
Worldly Scholar for Heavenly Grace  Royce Ellis A Maze ing Grace   Royce Ellis
In Other Words - Gospel Purpose  Elder Ralph Harr The Incorruptible Word - Being Born Again  Elder Keith Ellis
A System of Bondage  Elder Ralph Harris The Life Giving Gospel    Royce Ellis
None Seek After God   Elder Mark Green Author's Intent - The Poem   Royce Ellis
Knowledge Before the Gospel?   Dr. John Gill What is True Biblical Evangelism?  Elder Daniel Samons
Sowing Gospel Seeds   Royce Ellis The World Cannot Receive    Royce Ellis
The Non-Regenerating Gospel Truth    Royce Ellis The Man Glory Doctrine and 1 Pet 1:25   Royce Ellis

Does the Gospel Bring Life?   Elder Vince Hardy

They Shall All be Taught of God    Royce Ellis
No Preaching to Gentiles?  God Forbid!   Royce Ellis Gospel is for the Living   Elder Ralph Harris
Old School Journalism Who What Where When Why  Royce Ellis Take Two Identical Toys   Elder S.A. Paine
Different Minds, Different Impact    Royce Ellis Preacher in Control of Salvation     Elder S.A. Paine
John Gill and the Gospel Spurgeon on Preaching
No One Saved by a Narrow Doctrine Throughly Furnished    Elder Michael Ivey
Do You Have Ears to Hear? Not Everyone Hears the Same    Royce Ellis
This People STILL Won't Hear        Royce Ellis Just Give Them New Ears    Royce Ellis

Instant Vocal Regeneration    Royce Ellis

Makes Sense - John 5:25   Royce Ellis
Who Hears Gospel Preaching?  1 Jo 4:6  Elder Ralph Harris Hear and Obey, for there's no other way...  Royce Ellis

Did You Hear That?  John 5:24    Royce Ellis

How Many Times Can I Hear and Reject the Gospel?  Royce Ellis
Wasted Scriptures - Heareth Not?  Elder Ralph Harris Faith Cometh By Hearing  Elder Dan Samons

Eternal Life - Regeneration -Quickening and the New Birth.

Born Again - Is a Sinner Commanded to do this? Royce Ellis

New Birth  Royce Ellis

Is There a Spiritual Spark in Man?  Royce Ellis

Understanding Regeneration and Conversion

Heart and Soul - A Closer Look at the New Birth  Royce Ellis

Activating Eternal Life in 3, 2, 1  Royce Ellis

Whose Will is Employed in Birth?  John 1:13  Elder Ralph Harris

Conditions for Regeneration

Life Precedes Action Royce Ellis

Accepting the Gift of Eternal Life  Royce Ellis

From Ordinary to Extraordinary   Elder Ralph Harris

Regeneration - Quickened  Royce Ellis

Some Things Dead Men Can't Do

Desiring Salvation - Against Our Will  Elder Mark Green

Drawn by the Power of God - Effectual Calling  Royce Ellis

Proof of Life  Elder Vernon Johnson

For Whom He Did Foreknow  Elder Ralph Harris

The Love of God is Shed Abroad  Elder Ralph Harris

Paul's Salvation Pattern  Royce Ellis

Salvation Before Manifestation   Elder Bill Allen

This is the Work of God   Royce Ellis What Happens at the New Birth?  Royce Ellis

The Spirit Quickeneth   Elder Ralph Harris

Those Who Desire Heaven  Elder Ralph Harris

Who Has Eyes to See?   Royce Ellis

Calling the Brethren - 1 Cor 1:26  Elder Ralph Harris

Ye Will Not Come   Charles Spurgeon

Conditions for Eternal Life  Royce Ellis

When Exactly Does Obedience Factor in?  Royce Ellis

Do the Wicked Desire Life?   Elder Ralph Harris

The Cart Before the Horse  Elder Ralph Harris

Salvation - Just One Prayer Away  Royce Ellis
Making Myself a King and Priest   Royce Ellis

Taking Up His Abode  Elder Ralph Harris

John 3:7 Marvel Not  Elder Ralph Harris

Spiritual Circumcision of the Heart  Royce Ellis

Thunder - The Voice of God  Royce Ellis

The Seed of Christ  Royce Ellis

Hard Hearted Disciples  Royce Ellis Why Does This Baby Cry?   Elder Ralph Harris
What About the Fact That...  Elder Ralph Harris Born of God   Elder Ralph Harris
2 Tim 3:16-17 All Scripture  Royce Ellis Why Does God Not Quicken Them?  Elder Ralph Harris
Ask, Seek, Knock 1911 Debate  Elder Mark Green Why Will He Not?  Elder Mark Green
Evidence of Heavenly Birth  Elder Ralph Harris Moving From Sin to Obedience  Royce Ellis
Understanding Regeneration  Elder Dan Samons Conditional Salvation Elder Daniel Samons

Rightly Dividing the Work of God versus the Responsibility of Man.

Not Based on Works - The Election of God

Is the Doctrine of Election Fair?  Royce Ellis

Do all things work together for good?

Election in Scripture   Royce Ellis

Proof of Election?  Royce Ellis Romans 8:29 Foreknowledge of God  Elder Ralph Harris

Deserving of Eternal Salvation   Elder Ralph Harris

One Offering, One Sacrifice Heb 10  Royce Ellis

Spoiler Alert...About that Book   Royce Ellis

Lamb's Book of Life  Royce Ellis

Vessels Fitted for Destruction - Jacob, Esau  Elder Ralph Harris

Irresistible Power  Elder Michael Ivey

He Knows The Names   Royce Ellis

Will He be surprised at their response?  2Tim2:19  Royce Ellis

All Shall John 6:37   Royce Ellis

In and Out of the Book of Life  Royce Ellis

The Lord Knoweth Them   Royce Ellis

Vessels of Honor - Elect on What Basis?  Elder Vernon Johnson

Accepted in the Beloved Elder Ralph Harris

Conditional Forgiveness? 

Two Types of People  Elder Ralph Harris

Self-Willed Salvation   Royce Ellis

He Shall Save His People  Royce Ellis

Taking Reservations for Eternity   Royce Ellis

Because You are Not of God John 8:47 Rom 10:14 Royce Ellis

Choosing our Parents - Adoption Eph 1:5   Elder JC Stanalan

A True Common Salvation - No Difference  Elder D. Montgomery

Power Over All Flesh Royce Ellis

All the Elect Raised  Elder Ralph Harris

How Many is As Many?  Isa 53:11  Royce Ellis

Which System is Better?  Elder Ralph Harris

Saved by Grace Alone  Elder Ralph Harris
God's Eternal Purpose  Royce Ellis Come on Down Zacchaeus  Royce Ellis
I Chose You Because I Saw You Accepted Me Royce Ellis Why Grumble?   Elder Ralph Harris

Jesus Saves(d)  Royce Ellis

Contradictions   Elder Ralph Harris
Who Moves First in Chess?  Royce Ellis Christian Mousetrap  Royce Ellis
And Such Were Some of You   Royce Ellis Grace in John 6:44  Royce Ellis
God's Discriminating Dealings with Men   Elder Ralph Harris Heart or Head Religion   Elder Buddy Abernathy
Fitted or Prepared?  Two Classes of People  Elder Ralph Harris Our Sins to the Cross   Elder Wilson Thompson
Whose Job?  Royce Ellis Language Structure of Romans 8:29  Elder Michael Ivey
Salvation Logic   Elder CH Cayce Musings on Divine Choice   Elder Ralph Harris
No Way Around the Truth    Elder Ralph Harris Would God Teach a Dangerous Doctrine?  Elder Ralph Harris
Who Works First?  Arthur Pink Evidences of Grace in the Heart   Elder Ralph Harris
Saved from Ourselves  Trey Stevenson A Powerful Will    Royce Ellis
The Sufficiency of Christ    Elder Neil Phelan Jr Who Can Please God?  Royce Ellis
Obedience to the Truth   Elder Ralph Harris Drawing Straws - Election  Elder David Montgomery
Enmity - God's Gift to Haters?   Royce Ellis What is our Reasonable Service?   Elder Dan Samons
The Real Office Work of Christ    Royce Ellis Uncertainties    Elder Joel Hume
Election Hath Obtained It   Elder Vernon Johnson Haters Choosing God    Elder Daniel Samons
Sinner Seems the Same?  Elder TL Webb Who Did More?  The Saviour or the Saved?  Elder John Daily
Future Destiny     Elder Ralph Harris Made Accepted       Elder Ralph Harris
Painted into a Corner    Elder S.A. Paine  

Church, Worship, Prayer and Christian Living

Church    Royce Ellis

The Key Ingredient to Worship   Royce Ellis

Purposeful Gifts   Elder Ralph Harris

Sleeping in on Sunday Morning     Royce Ellis

Looking for a Better Excuse    Royce Ellis

Sunday School History - Video  Elder Keith Ellis

The Dangers of Isolation - When Fellowship Fails  Royce Ellis

Spirit and Truth - Anyone Can Do That   Royce Ellis

Concerts, Pizza, Cupcakes, Special Comic Speaker!  Royce Ellis

Musical Instruments in Worship   Elder Don Watson

Strait Gate, Narrow Way     Royce Ellis

Caring for the Bride    Royce Ellis

Robbing God    Royce Ellis

Romans 8:31 If God be for us  Elder Ralph Harris

Replacing the Foundational Bricks  Royce Ellis

The Church of Uncertain    Royce Ellis

Christian Life is for Now    Elder Ralph Harris The Threefold Church   Elder Carl Staten

High Tech Worship - the Agents of Change Pro 24:21   Royce Ellis

You Call That a Church?   Royce Ellis

Man's Ideal Church     Royce Ellis

People Want Different Things in a Church    Royce Ellis

Priorities - Jonah 2:8     Royce Ellis

Knowing the Doctrine John 7:17    Elder Ralph Harris

Upon this Rock... Casarea Philippi     Royce Ellis

The Thousand Year Reign - a Detailed Look   Elder Vernon Johnson
Employment Covenant     Royce Ellis First Called Christians?    Royce Ellis
Preacher Worship?     Elder Ralph Harris 33,000 Christian Denominations    Royce Ellis
No Place to Quit    Elder Ralph Harris Ten Righteous Men    Royce Ellis
The Christians' New Clothes     Royce Ellis Hard Shall Baptist?    Royce Ellis

What Does Fasting Mean in Today's Society?     Royce Ellis

Fasting - A Personal Experience    Royce Ellis

The Shepherd Deserves a Nap     Royce Ellis A Good Warfare     Elder Ralph Harris
A Sad Decline - the Power of Prayer Show Him a Better House    Royce Ellis
In Spirit AND In Truth     Royce Ellis Walking Away from God     Royce Ellis
Greener Grass     Royce Ellis The Lord Perpetuates the Church
What a Beautiful Cross!     Royce Ellis Spotting False Teaching     Royce Ellis
Modern Altar Call     Royce Ellis Even Though We're All Christians     Royce Ellis
False Corners   Elder Floy Gross Can We Worship Anywhere?     Royce Ellis
Forced to Worship Against His Will     Royce Ellis Not of the World   Elder Michael Ivey
What's a Four Shall Baptist?     Elder Ralph Harris False Charges Disproved   Elder Ralph Harris
Headline Speaker     Royce Ellis Down Level Marketing     Royce Ellis
What Grace Teaches - License to Sin?   Elder Ralph Harris Are There Angels in the Pews?     Royce Ellis
Obedience is Manifest   Elder Vernon Johnson Elder, Pastor, Bishop    Elder Vernon Johnson 
Easy Offense     Ronnie Mallow We Can Help It - Resist the Devil     Elder Michael Ivey
A Warning to God's People     Elder Michael Ivey Paying for Sins?    Royce Ellis
James 5:16 Prayer    Royce Ellis A Picture of Sin     Elder Michael Gowens
All Blessings of the World!     Royce Ellis Spiritual Tweezers  Elder David Montgomery
Pray for your Pastor       Brother Royce Ellis Is Church Membership Biblical?      Bro. Royce Ellis
Suggestions for Church Etiquette        The Banner of Love  

Baptism, Communion - Church Ordinances

Sheep, Goats, Fruit, Bibles and More

Baptism   Royce Ellis

Sheep in Goat's Clothing   Royce Ellis

Mark 16:16 - Options    Royce Ellis

Sheep and Goats - A different Life.      Royce Ellis

Taking the Lord's Name in Vain    Royce Ellis

Good Fruit, Evil Fruit      Royce Ellis

Evidence of Non-Elect     Elder Ralph Harris By Their Fruits...   Elder Ralph Harris

Subject, Subjected.    Royce Ellis

Fruit of the Spirit      Royce Ellis

Grape Juice or Wine?    Royce Ellis

For the Sheep     Elder Ralph Harris

Baptism Mode      Royce Ellis

Not a Baaaaddd Illustration      Royce Ellis

Is Born of Water Water Baptism?   Elder Ralph Harris

These Don't Desire Rest   Elder John Daily

Washing the Saints Feet   Elder CH Cayce

Passing Under the Rod - Psalms 23    Royce Ellis

Is Baptism Necessary for Eternal Life?  Elder Bobby Willis Sheep are the Covenant Children    Royce Ellis

Confirming, Changing, Redeeming - One Shoe  Royce Ellis

Examining the Flock  Matthew 25   Elder Bill Allen

In That Day, 7 Women...    Royce Ellis That's a Bummer, Man!    
Communion - Showing His Death   Elder Ralph Harris There Remaineth No More Lamb    Royce Ellis

Deacon Blues    Royce Ellis

Wolves in Sheep's Clothing   Elder Mark Green
2 Cor 6:14 Unequally Yoked    Royce Ellis Why Men Rob Banks    Royce Ellis
Baptism - Everything, Anything, Nothing   Elder John Leland Which Version?  Why the King James?   Elder Don Watson
Ordinations        Brother Royce Ellis The World's Best Apple Pie    Royce Ellis

Faith, Doctrine & Mysteries

Finding Faith - Next Contestant Please  Royce Ellis The Faith of God  Romans 3   Royce Ellis
Saved by Grace, but Whose Faith?   Royce Ellis Power of the Potter - Saving Faith of God   Royce Ellis
For therein is the righteousness...   Royce Ellis All Men Have Not Faith  2 Thess 3:2    Royce Ellis
Walking by Faith  Elder Ralph Harris From Faith to Faith Romans 1:17   Royce Ellis
Faith on Delivery Rom  10:17 Gal 3:2   Royce Ellis Predestination - Glorious Doctrine  Elder Ralph Harris

Wisdom From a Watermelon  William Jennings Bryant

Predestination in Scripture   Royce Ellis
A Brief Synopsis of Faith 1917   Elder Frederick Keene Predestination - in Other Words   Royce Ellis
Gospel Glasses  Royce Ellis

Bread Math

Counting the Cost - No Incomplete Bridge Full Circle Faith   Elder Bill Allen
The Resurrection of Christ   Elder Ralph Harris Cheap Faith   Elder Ralph Harris
Pleasing God is an Easy Task      Elder S. A. Paine No Leap of Faith    Elder Michael Ivey
When Lord, Did We Do These Things?    Elder Michael Ivey Hope, The Anchor of the Soul     Elder Michael Ivey
Believe, Belief, Believeth Seen and Believe Not John 6:36  Royce Ellis
  Who Can Believeth? 
Is Belief Necessary to the New Birth?   Royce Ellis Instructions for Believing   Royce Ellis
Not Seeing is Believing   Elder Buddy Abernathy Are We Saved by Believing?  Elder Buddy Abernathy
Relationship Between Belief and New Birth  Elder Vernon Johnson Proper Order Belief   Elder Daniel Samons
It Matters What we Believe   Elder Ralph Harris Verb Tense is Believable   Elder Steve Woods

The Aspects of Salvation.  Eternal, Timely, Knowledge and Saved from What, Exactly?

Jeopardy, Double Jeopardy   Elder Chris Blevins Wheel! of! Salvation!   Royce Ellis

Salvation - America's Favorite Game   Royce Ellis

Let's Make a Deal   Royce Ellis

The Internal Struggle Against Daily Sin   Royce Ellis

Can Man Save Himself?  Mystery of Salvation  Royce Ellis

Sliding Scale of Salvation   Royce Ellis

A Strong Assurance   Elder Ralph Harris

The Way of Salvation - John 14:6  Elder Floy Gross Saved from What, Exactly?     Royce Ellis

The Limited Atoning Work of Jesus   Royce Ellis

A Heavenly Host 

Join the Resistance   Royce Ellis

Ye Might Have Life     Royce Ellis

No Man Can Come to Christ?  John 6:44   Royce Ellis

Quick Quiz - Are You Prepared for Eternity?  Royce Ellis

A Better Way of Eternal Salvation - God's Way  Elder Ralph Harris

Can't Do Tax Forms, But Salvation's a Breeze  Royce Ellis

Walk in the Spirit   Royce Ellis

Sylly Logic Allows Facts in the Way

When the Timing is Just Right     Royce Ellis

Syllogism, Book 2   Elder Vince Hardy

Temporal or Eternal Salvation?   Elder Daniel Samons Syllogism, Take 3     Elder S. A. Paine
Timely Salvation   Elder C H Cayce Silly Infant!     Elder S.A. Paine
No Nonsense in the Truth   Elder Ralph Harris Syllogisms of Confession       Elder S.A. Paine

Crucial to Rightly Dividing     Royce Ellis

Workmanship in Christ - A Good Work     Royce Ellis

New Tech Salvation     Royce Ellis

Unfinished Work? Eternal Salvation at Stake.     Royce Ellis

Are You Saved and From What?     Royce Ellis

Can you Make an Eternal Mistake?     Royce Ellis

Which Weighs More? A Pound of Feathers...   Royce Ellis

In Other Words - Gospel Purpose  Elder Ralph Harris

Flesh and Blood - It Can Reveal Truth, Can't It?   Royce Ellis

Redemption  Royce Ellis

If ye then be risen with Christ Col 3:1  Elder Ralph Harris

Grammar Time - The Pronoun HIS  Royce Ellis

Two Salvations   Elder Mark Thomas

System Failure - Are Any Saved?  Elder John Daily

Because we love the brethren...   Elder Ralph Harris

Good Morning Mr. Phelps   Royce Ellis
O Wretched Man - Romans 7   Royce Ellis Supplanting Authority - Who's the Spiritual Head? Royce Ellis
Did Christ Die for All Sins of All Men?  Dr. John Owen Who Will Have All Men to be Saved    Royce Ellis

The New Birth is Pointless  (Under their system)  Royce Ellis

Modern Horror Story   Royce Ellis
1 Peter 1:2 What Peter Meant to Say...  Royce Ellis Ruined by One, Saved by One   Elder Ralph Harris
The Lord Knows Already   Elder Ralph Harris Salvation by Grace
Eternal Life not Based on Chance  Elder RH Pittman Time and Eternal - Now and Later  Elder Chris McCool
Salvation Difference - Debt Free  Elder Marty Smith Attractive Doctrine   Elder Mark Green
Not on the Basis of Merit  Elder Ralph Harris No Nonsense in the Truth   Elder Ralph Harris
Population of Heaven Determined by Sinners  Royce Ellis Eternal Redemption Obtained   Elder CH Cayce
Ye Might Be Saved   Elder Bryce Lowrance Save Yourselves!       Elder Vernon Johnson
 Is Once Saved, Always Saved scriptural?  How Long is Eternal?
Teetering on a Dangerous Walk   Royce Ellis God's People Cannot Be Lost   Elder Ralph Harris
Once Saved, Always Saved?  Royce Ellis

Is it Eternal Life or Not?  Can we Lose it?  Royce Ellis

What Happens on Earth, Stays on Earth - A Paradox  Royce Ellis Preservation  John 6:37  Elder Ralph Harris
Can We Have Full Assurance?   Elder Mark Green Lost, Found? Safe and Sound  Elder Ralph Harris
Eternal Life Cannot Be Lost   Elder Ralph Harris

Saved Forever  Elder Bill Allen

Hands of Protection  John 10:27-30  2 Tim 2:10  Royce Ellis Eternal Life Now?  Elder CH Cayce
The Burden of Eternal Life   Royce Ellis The Surety of Salvation of God's People  Elder Ralph Harris
Willful Sinning - No More Sacrifice   Elder Michael Ivey Can't Fall Out of the Limb  Elder Ralph Harris
Jesus' Unanswered Prayers?  Royce Ellis Bankruptcy Court   Elder Ward Rowell

The Nature and Works of God

Did God Know His Plan of Salvation Would Fail?  Royce Ellis

The Sands of Time   Royce Ellis

Is Anything Too Hard for the Lord?  Elder Ralph Harris

A Loving God Would Never Judge or Condemn  Royce Ellis

The Lord God Omnipotent Reigneth  Elder Ralph Harris God is the Apprehender  Elder Vernon Johnson

The Justice of God  Elder Vernon Johnson

The Names of God    Elder Vernon Johnson

7 Things God Cannot Do   Elder Vernon Johnson

Flattering Titles - Reverend   Elder Ralph Harris

God is a God of Purpose  Royce Ellis

What's in a Name?  Elder Ralph Harris

My Jesus or Your Jesus?   Elder Ralph Harris

Does God Hate?    Royce Ellis

The Power of Love   Royce Ellis

Reconciliation to a Just and Holy God   Royce Ellis

The Physical Appearance of Jesus  Elder Don Watson

Layers and Layers of Protection   Royce Ellis

Is There Unrighteousness with God?  Elder Ralph Harris

Power in Salvation  Royce Ellis

God Painted a Masterpiece  Royce Ellis

Doctrinal Hurdles   Royce Ellis

Known Unto God   Royce Ellis 7 Questions from Romans 8     Elder Vernon Johnson

153 Great Fish in John 21   Royce Ellis

Conclusions Regarding the Holy Ghost  Royce Ellis

The Sufferings of Christ 1 Peter 3:18   Elder Ralph Harris

How Does God See Us?    Royce Ellis
Regarding Justification  Sister Cherilyn Thomas The Duration of God's Love  Elder Ralph Harris
God Cannot Lie   Royce Ellis An Immutable God  Elder Ralph Harris
God Shows His Mercy   Elder Ralph Harris The Twins   Royce Ellis
Prayer   Elder Ralph Harris

God's Work First  Elder Ralph Harris

What's in a Name - The Missing J   Anthony Diaz Time is on My Side    Royce Ellis
Fear Not Bible Math   Royce Ellis Before   Arthur Pink
The Will is In Force and Active   Royce Ellis Drawn by Everlasting Love   Elder Floy Gross
An Unchangeable Will and Testament   Royce Ellis Reverse Engineering Romans 8:28  Elder Pat Young
Building a Better TULIP   Elder Bill Allen Can Man Show Compassion and Mercy?    Royce Ellis
Glorious Blessings   Elder Ralph Harris God's Purpose and Grace  2 Ti 1:9   Royce Ellis
The Last Words of King David  Royce Ellis Whale Whale Whale    Royce Ellis
The Work of the Creator  Royce Ellis Absolutely Not   Elder AD Wood
God Must Get the Glory   Elder Ralph Harris  The Pitcher Plant  Elder Ralph Harris
Unchangeable God   Elder Ralph Harris If He Wanted to Save Everyone... Elder Ralph Harris
Romans 9:18  Does He Harden Those He Loves? When Does Everlasting Love Begin?   Royce Ellis
The Word of God Creates   Royce Ellis Will the Real Jesus Please Step Forward? Elder Ralph Harris
Great Things   Elder Ralph Harris Our God is in the Heavens  Elder Ralph Harris
No Changes in an Everlasting God  Elder Ralph Harris Nine from 9 - Truths from Romans   Elder Dan Samons
God Has No Needs  Elder Ralph Harris Overthrowing the Will of God?   Royce Ellis
Omniscience of God   Elder Vernon Johnson Past Lives Redacted  Elder Daniel Montgomery
The Most Right Reverend   Elder Mark Green In an Esau World   PJ Walters
Already Accomplished 2 Co 5  Elder Mark Thomas Biblical Defense of Propitiation  Elder Mark Thomas
Breathing the Name of God Was Crucifixion Real?
Who Can Turn Him?   Elder Ralph Harris Layaway Redemption    Elder Vernon Johnson
Eternal and Experiential Justification  Elder Michael Ivey Eternal God or Eternal Matter?     Elder Michael Ivey

Peter, Paul and Some Random Acts...

Could Paul be a Castaway?  Royce Ellis Also, In Addition to...   Elder Bill Allen

Blinded by the Light    Royce Ellis

Endure All Things  2 Tim 2:10   Royce Ellis

Saul to Paul, A Clean Slate   Royce Ellis

Saul, Paul Name Change   Royce Ellis

Lessons from Cornelius  Elder Vernon Johnson

Tongues?  I'm Saying Take Another Look   Royce Ellis

Closer Look at an Italian Solider

Peter's Sound Sleep   Royce Ellis

No Good in the Flesh    Elder Ralph Harris

Handwriting on the Cross   Royce Ellis

Who Founded the Church in Rome?  Peter?   Royce Ellis

Preaching to the Spirits in Prison    Royce Ellis

To Whom Were the Epistles Addressed?  Elder Don Richards Acts 13:48 Ordained to Eternal Life   Elder Bill Allen

Did Paul Die From a Stoning?   Royce Ellis

Godly Sorrow in 2 Co 7:10  Royce Ellis

Acts 5:34-39  If This Action Be of Men...  Royce Ellis

Paul's Preaching Appointment Cancelled   Royce Ellis

Damascus Road Experience    Royce Ellis

What if Peter hadn't gone preaching in Acts 10?    Royce Ellis

Luke Writing from Inside History   Royce Ellis How Shall We Escape? Heb 2:3   Royce Ellis
The Theme of Romans in One Graphic   Royce Ellis As Many As - Song from the 1920s
The Blessings of Shipwreck Flipbook (Flash) Royce Ellis

♫ ♫ Who Wrote the Book of Hebrews? ♫ ♫   Elder Don Richards

Titus 2 - What Paul Really Meant to Say   Royce Ellis

Best Supporting Role - Ananais    Brother Royce Ellis

Kingdom of God is Here, Now.

Which Israel? Natural vs Spiritual?

The Kingdom of God - A Spiritual Dominion 


The Kingdom of God - When?  Where?    Royce Ellis

Identifying the Temple    Royce Ellis

Waiting on a Kingdom     Royce Ellis

Israel of God - Paul's Unanswered Prayer   Royce Ellis

Turning the Invisible Visible     Royce Ellis

Christians Must Stand With Israel?

Earthly Headquarters     Royce Ellis

The Third Temple Effort in Palestine    Royce Ellis

Courtroom in the Heart and Mind  Elder Vernon Johnson

Is There Possibly a Cure?     Royce Ellis

The Church Kingdom    Royce Ellis

Vote Scofield/Darby for the 21st Century    Royce Ellis

Did Jesus Waste His Time?    Royce Ellis

A Bill of Divorcement - Israel Left Behind    Royce Ellis
Summons to the Royal Courtroom    Royce Ellis The 70th Week of Daniel Elder Keith Ellis
Daily Court Appearance   Elder Vernon Johnson John the Baptist    Royce Ellis
Is Satan Bound or Loose?        Elder Michael Ivey Where Blessings Abound     Elder Michael Ivey
How Much Error is Too Much? Reformed, Universal Salvation, Arminianism, General Atonement
Universalism - All, Every, World   Royce Ellis The Christ of Arminianism  Steven Houck
The Deceiving Beauty of Universal Salvation  Charles Spurgeon Arminianism Makes the Gift a Curse   Elder William Crouse
Was Everyman Given to Jesus?   Elder Daniel Samons Amazing Works  Elder PT Oliphant
An Acronymic Religion - WWJD?  COFFEE    Royce Ellis Arminian Grace
Opposing Themselves   Elder Bill Allen Your Karma ran over my Dogma  Elder David Montgomery
Paper Thin Theology - God Loves Everyone    Royce Ellis Gnosticism - Logic or Miracle   Elder Philip Conley
A Smooth Stone Well Placed 1 John 2:2  Elder SE Copeland Are They For Us, or Against Us?  Elder Michael Ivey
Modern Prayers of Opposition   Spurgeon When Science and Scripture Clash  Royce Ellis
Partners in Salvation?    Royce Ellis Sad State of Atheists  Elder Bill Allen
Resistance to the Doctrines of Grace    Royce Ellis Despiteful Christians Internet Version   Royce Ellis
Starting Truth      Royce Ellis A Gospel of Condemnation  Elder William Crouse
The Absolute Power of Nothing       Elder Harold Hunt Prosperity Gospel - Fleecing the Flock      Bro. Royce Ellis
Messiah - Maybe?     Elder Ralph Harris What is a Cult?   Royce Ellis
How the Religious World views Election   Elder Ralph Harris Why I Left the Missionary Baptists  JH Fisher
Modern Praise and Worship from an Insider  John Branyan Wholesale Salvation     Royce Ellis
Examining Reformed and Calvinist Positions  
Ten Reasons Primitive Baptists are Not Calvinists Calvin Takes His Gospel Medicine    Royce Ellis
New and Improved Calvinism   Elder Harold Hunt Hyper-Calvinism - No Thank You.    Royce Ellis
Fine Line Between Truth and Error    Royce Ellis 31 Flavors of Grace     Royce Ellis
World's View of Predestination vs Scripture Spot the Differences with Calvinism  Elder Todd Nunley
Double Predestination Error  When Does Perseverance Fail?  Royce Ellis
A Detailed Look at the Reformed Tulip Letter by Letter Perseverance vs Preservation   Royce Ellis
T U L I P  
Free Will  
Free Will in Eternal Salvation     Royce Ellis Automatic Verse Changer!   Royce Ellis
Vote Early and Often     Royce Ellis Tough Questions for the Free Will Faction
Freewill vs Predestination    Royce Ellis Partial Free Will?   Royce Ellis
Scriptural Free Will  Royce Ellis Backwards Thinking - RC Spoul
Proving Too Much  -   Free Will?  Elder Mark Green The Lord Has No Authority Over Us!  Elder Ralph Harris
Free Will Versus He Will   Elder Daniel Samons Historical Quotes Against Free Will
Puppet on a String  Elder Vernon Johnson The King Chooses to Live Like an Animal    Royce Ellis
Making the Start  Elder FP Bransome  

Old Testament

Holding up the Arms   Royce Ellis

Exodus Take Two - Out of Bondage  Royce Ellis

Tell Pharaoh Thusly   Royce Ellis

A Giant Prophecy Royce Ellis

The Authority of Moses' Seat  Royce Ellis

None of the Wicked Shall Understand  Elder Keith Ellis

Jewish Wedding   Royce Ellis

Working for a Wife    Elder Vernon Johnson

Shepherd   Elder Vernon Johnson

Noah - Facts About the Ark

The Way, The Truth, and the Life How Long was Jonah in the Whale?  Royce Ellis

Through the Desert  Elder Ralph Harris

Oldest Book in the Bible?  Not so fast...  Elder Vernon Johnson

Respect of Persons, No Respect   Elder Vernon Johnson

Walking the Pieces with Abraham  Royce Ellis

Salt in Scripture - a Closer Look   Royce Ellis Sin of Ham, Curse of Canaan   Royce Ellis
Boaz and the Nearer Kinsman     Brother Roger Gartman STOP!  Joshua Chapter 10

Some Thoughts on Passover   Royce Ellis

Wood You Like to Hear a Story?    Elder Vernon Johnson



Atonement The General Atonement Problem  Eder Ben Cordes
The Atonement Quandary   Elder Daniel Samons Did Christ Die for All Men?   Dr. Robert Shaw
Universal Atonement or Limited?   Royce Ellis The Atonement and the Money Changers   Royce Ellis
General Atonement    Elder RW Thompson The Limited Atonement  John 17  Acts 2:39   Royce Ellis
3 Arguments for Limited Atonement   Elder Daniel Samons At one ment - A Look at Atonement  Nyandoro Ocharo
  Everyone Believes in a Limited Atonement  Elder Keith Ellis
New Testament Articles, Insights  

Lawyers and the Good Samaritan  Royce Ellis

Pharisee and the Publican - A Closer Look  Elder Michael Ivey

Changes in the Thief   Royce Ellis Prisoner Set Free   Royce Ellis

Morning on Golgotha   Royce Ellis

Touch Me, Touch Me Not    Royce Ellis

Offender for a Word   Royce Ellis

Naked in the World    Royce Ellis

5 Porches in John Chapter 5   Royce Ellis

Waiting on Lazarus    Royce Ellis

Mystery on the Mount   Royce Ellis

Men as Trees, Walking   Royce Ellis

Ten Lepers   Royce Ellis

Unseen Hope Rom 8:24  Elder Ralph Harris

Meekness Does Not Mean Weak  Elder Don Watson

The Truth about Tithing   Elder Keith Ellis

Did Jesus Die in Vain? 

Outside Influence    Royce Ellis

An Unworkable Theology  Elder Ralph Harris

Editing to Appease the World  Royce Ellis

Applying to be an Heir   Royce Ellis

A Level Salvation  Elder Bill Allen

Loose Him and Let Him Go   Elder Keith Ellis

Prescription for Good Health   Elder Vernon Johnson

Birth Control to Major Tom...   Royce Ellis

Straight and Narrow   Royce Ellis

What are we Debtors to?    Elder Vernon Johnson

The End of Marriage - A Silver Lining     Royce Ellis

Strangers to the World 1 John 3:1  Elder Ralph Harris

Honey or Vinegar?

A National Day of Prayer - It's Time Again.

A Come to Jesus Meeting   Royce Ellis

Catch Me if You Can  Elder Ralph Harris

Our Nation's Strength

Reaping What We Sow  Royce Ellis

Hammertime   Royce Ellis

666 - Numbers in Scripture  Elder Vernon Johnson

Heir Heir!  Elder Harold Hunt

Favored Second  Elder Vernon Johnson

One More Coat will Cover This Nicely   Royce Ellis

Sounds right if you edit it.  Royce Ellis

False Teachers  Elder Vernon Johnson

Balancing Truth  Royce Ellis

The Chicken or the Egg?   Royce Ellis

Teen-Age Wasteland   Royce Ellis

Hungering and Thirsting - Who Does That?   Royce Ellis

A Promise is Never to a Stranger   Elder Ralph Harris

My Relatives Think I'm Doomed...    Royce Ellis

The Gifts of God   Elder Ralph Harris

Got Change for a Sinner?  Royce Ellis

Alabaster Box and the New Birth   Royce Ellis

Enter into Rest  Elder Keith Ellis

What Harm Can One Little Change Cause?  Royce Ellis

The Weaver

I Can't Help My Behavior - I was Born This Way!  Royce Ellis

The Great Debate from an 8th Grader   Royce Ellis

Welcome to Social Engineering   Royce Ellis

Ambassador for Christ   Royce Ellis

The Truth Shall Make You Free    Royce Ellis

Ephesians 1:7 - A Blood Free Religion  Royce Ellis

Before Him in Love  Elder JC Stanaland

No Will of His Own    Royce Ellis

I Will Work a Work Acts 13:38     Royce Ellis

Measuring Cups  Royce Ellis

It Takes a Thief     Royce Ellis Faith - In Advance Please  Elder Ralph Harris
Confused Folks  Matthew 25 Elder Ralph Harris Hope is a Precious Gift   Elder Ralph Harris

The Friend of Sinners  Elder Ralph Harris

Reverential Affection    Elder Ralph Harris

Circular Reasoning     Royce Ellis Christ is Precious to Believers    Elder Ralph Harris

The T U L I P       Royce Ellis

Thanksgiving for Believers   Royce Ellis
Entering in by the Door   Elder G H Crain  

Spirit, Soul, Immortality, Essence of God? Death, Hell and Judgment

Body, Soul, Spirit Before & After Regeneration  Royce Ellis

A Biblical Look at Hell and Judgment (Best Read in Order)

What Happens at the New Birth?    Royce Ellis

The Vengeance of Eternal Fire  Jude 1:7    Royce Ellis

What Happens at Death?     Royce Ellis

Are there People Suffering in Hell Today? (1) Royce

No Hell?   Royce Ellis

Hell and How Scripture Defines It  Hell (2)   Royce Ellis

Satan Knows His Time is Short    Royce Ellis

Extra-Biblical (1) - Reaching Beyond the Bible   Royce Ellis

Spiritual Death?   Royce Ellis

Extra-Biblical (2) Soul Searching    Royce Ellis

Know Your Enemy    Royce Ellis

Extra-Biblical (3)  The State of the Non Elect   Royce Ellis

The Unforgivable Sin -  Who Can Commit it?   Royce Ellis

Death Has Rules   Royce Ellis

The Coming Antichrist  Royce Ellis

Death Suit    Royce Ellis
Is There a Secret Chamber Under the Earth?   Royce Ellis Did He Die for Those in Hell?    Royce Ellis
Like Babies Waiting to Be Born  Elder Michael Ivey Five Deaths Listed in Scripture  Elder Vernon Johnson
The Boiling Frog    Royce Ellis Warehouse of Souls?     Royce Ellis
Perish the Thought    Royce Ellis Peace with God    Royce Ellis

Adam, Man, Nature, Depravity - It all starts in the Garden...

Side by Side with the Nature of Adam  Royce Ellis Let's Talk, Man to Man   Royce Ellis
Understanding Inherited Sin    Royce Ellis Man's Innate Depravity   Elder Ralph Harris

Is Infant Purity Taught in Scripture?    Royce Ellis

Adam's Fall and Total Depravity   Royce Ellis

The Total Depravity of All Mankind  Elder Bob Dickerson Jr

Meet Adam and Understand the Fall   Royce Ellis

Dual Nature of the Child of God   Royce Ellis Adam's Family Values    Royce Ellis
Ruined by One, Saved by Another   Elder Ralph Harris Pet Doctrines - Adam, With Her   Royce Ellis

Man without God Elder Ralph Harris

A Visit to the Garden    Royce Ellis
Ye Shall NOT Surely Die    Royce Ellis Adam and Christ - Contrast and Compare   Royce Ellis
Inside Out - Worm and the Apple  Elder Ralph Harris Brand Spanking New  Royce Ellis
Let's Get a Brand New Heart!   Royce Ellis From Nature to Grace  Elder Ralph Harris
A Mind Against God - Enmity   RV Sarrels An Impossible Situation  Elder Ralph Harris
In My Flesh Dwelleth No Good Thing Romans 7:18  Elder Ralph Harris The Struggle is Real  Royce Ellis
Who Can Really Know the Heart?  Elder Ralph Harris Life Giving Voice   Royce Ellis
Man's Depravity   Elder Ralph Harris Wickedness in Every Age  Elder Ralph Harris
Ye Were Sometimes Darkness   Elder Ralph Harris Natural Capacity to Sin    Royce Ellis
Common Ground   Elder Dallas Eaton II Yea, Hath God Said?   Elder Vernon Johnson
The Doctrine of Original Sin   Elder RD Hargrow Man Has a Sin Problem   Royce Ellis
Wretched by Nature  Elder Ralph Harris The Pure Innocence of a New Born Child   Royce Ellis

Putting the World's Holidays into Perspective

Emergency Repair Truck    Royce Ellis

Praying to Santa    Royce Ellis

Teaching New Converts to Celebrate Christ Mass   Royce Ellis

Elf on the Shelf     Royce Ellis

Time to Pick a Tree    Royce Ellis

Counterfeiting God?  That's Just Silly.

Teach Your Children Well    Royce Ellis

I'll Just Leave This Here Without Comment. 

Meanwhile, at the end of October    Royce Ellis

A Little Mocking of God is Okay    Royce Ellis

Easter is in the Bible!   Royce Elllis  
Let's Take Off the Pastel Colored Gloves Royce Ellis Happy Holidays Charles Spurgeon

Articles, Helpful Charts, Outside Resources & Verse by Verse Commentaries

Associations in Scripture Animals Metals Numbers Colors Signs and Wonders
Verse by Verse Commentaries
Genesis Exodus Gospel of Matthew Gospel of John





Phillipi Colossians 1 Thessalonians 2 Thessalonians


First and Second Peter  RE


The Rich Man and Lazarus Luke 16    
Introduction   Part 1     Part 2     Part 3     Part 4  
Part 5     Part 6     Part 7     Part 8     Part 9     Part 10  
Part 11     Part 12     Part 13     Part 14     Part 15  
Charts, History Primitive Baptist Terminology
Linking the Church through History   Elder RA Tindall Marks of the Historical Church  Elder Michael Ivey

Starting Dates of Major Religions     Royce Ellis

Baptist Names Through History

When Was the New Testament Penned?      Royce Ellis

Linking the Apostles        Royce Ellis

Can We Determine the Birth date of Christ?

Who Are the Herods?  Elder Don Richards
Feasts of the Lord  - a Primer on Seven Feasts      Royce Ellis Year of the Lord - BC/AD
Crucifixion to Resurrection - How Long?      Royce Ellis Counting the Hours of a Jewish Day      Royce Ellis
Back Timing - 72 Hours in the Tomb      Royce Ellis BC/AD Chart 
Body, Soul, Spirit Before & After Regeneration  Royce Ellis Roy Old Line Articles of Faith Scroll          Articles
Timeline Showing Two Branches of Religion Timeline of the Old Testament Prophets  Elder Don Richards
Forums, Sermons and Resources


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