The Bible warns us that in the last days in which we live
there will be many false Christs-those who claim to be Christ but who
are imposters. Jesus said, "Take heed that no man deceive you. For many
shall come in my name, saying I am Christ; and shall deceive many." (Matt.
24:4-5). We who profess to be Christians must take heed. We must be
very careful that we are not deceived. Our calling is to trust, love,
and follow the true Christ and Him only. We may have nothing to do with
the false Christs who are so numerous in our day.
We know about the Christ of the cults and other religions. He is a good
man, a prophet, the first creation of God, a great spirit, a divine
idea, or even a god himself. But he is not true and eternal God. He
receives his existence from another who is greater than he. He is not
the Christ of the Bible. We are not deceived by this Christ. He is a
false Christ.
We know about the Christ of Roman Catholicism. They profess that He is
true God. He suffered and died for the forgiveness of sin. He arose
again, ascended into heaven, and is coming again. But he is not a
complete Savior. The Christ of the Roman Catholics can not save sinners
without their own good works and the intercession of priests. He is not
the Christ of the Bible. We are not deceived by this Christ. He is a
false Christ.
There is, however, another false Christ who is much more dangerous than
the Christ of the cults and the Christ of Roman Catholicism. He has
deceived people for many years and he continues to deceive millions.
This Christ is so dangerous that, if it were not impossible, he would
deceive the very elect (Matt.
24:24). He is the Christ of Arminianism.
This false Christ is extremely dangerous because in many ways he appears
to be the True Christ. They say that he is true God, equal with the
Father and the Holy Spirit. They say that he died on the cross to save
sinners. They even say that he saves by his grace alone, without the
work of man. This Christ will have nothing to do with the Christ of the
cults and the Christ of Roman Catholicism.
But watch out! Be warned! The Christ of Arminianism is not the Christ of
the Bible. Do not be fooled!
1. The Christ of Arminianism - loves every individual person in
the world and sincerely desires their salvation.
The Christ of the Bible - earnestly loves and desires the
salvation of only those whom God has unconditionally chosen to
salvation. (Ps.
5:5, Ps. 7:11,
Ps. 11:5,
Matt. 11:27,
John 17:9-10,
Acts 2:47, Acts 13:48,
Rom. 9:10-13, Rom. 9:21-24,
Eph. 1:3-4)
2. The Christ of Arminianism - offers salvation to every sinner
and does all in his power to bring them to salvation. His offer and work
are often frustrated, for many refuse to come.
The Christ of the Bible - effectually calls to Himself only the
elect and sovereignly brings them to salvation. Not one of them will be
lost. (Isa.
John 5:21,
John 6:37-40, John 10:25-30,
John 17:2, Phil. 2:13)
3. The Christ of Arminianism - can not regenerate and save a
sinner who does not first choose Christ with his own "free will." All
men have a "free will" by which they can either accept or reject Christ.
That "free will" may not be violated by Christ.
The Christ of the Bible - sovereignly regenerates the elect
sinner apart from his choice, for without regeneration the spiritually
dead sinner can not choose Christ. Faith is not man's contribution to
salvation but the gift of Christ which He sovereignly imparts in
regeneration. (John
John 6:44 & 65,John
Acts 11:18,
Rom. 9:16,
Eph. 2:1,Eph.
2:8-10, Phil. 1:29,Hebr.
4. The Christ of Arminianism - died on the cross for every
individual person and thereby made it possible for every person to be
saved. His death, apart from the choice of man, was not able to actually
save anyone for many for whom he died are lost.
The Christ of the Bible - died for only God's elect people and
thereby actually obtained salvation for all those for whom He died. His
death was a substitutionary satisfaction which actually took away the
guilt of His chosen people. (Luke
John 10:14-15 & 26,
Acts 20:28,
Rom. 5:10,
Eph. 5:25,
Hebr. 9:12,
I Peter 3:18)
5. The Christ of Arminianism - loses many whom he has "saved"
because they do not continue in faith. Even if he does give them
"eternal security," as some say, that security is not based upon his
will or work but the choice which the sinner made when he accepted
The Christ of the Bible - preserves His chosen people so that
they can not lose their salvation but persevere in the faith to the very
end. He preserves them by the sovereign electing will of God, the power
of His death, and the mighty working of His Spirit. (John
5:24, John 10:26-29,
Rom. 8:29-30,
Rom. 8:35-39,
I Peter 1:2-5,
Jude 24-25)
As you can see, although the Christ of Arminianism and the Christ of the
Bible may at first seem to be the same, they are very different. One is
a false Christ. The other is the true Christ. One is weak and helpless.
He bows before the sovereign "free will" of man. The other is the
reigning Lord Who wills what He pleases and sovereignly accomplishes all
that He wills.
If you believe and serve the Christ of Arminianism, you must recognize
the fact that you do not serve the Christ of the Bible. You have been
deceived! Study the Scriptures and learn of the True Christ. Pray for
grace to repent and trust Christ as your sovereign.
Steven Houck