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The details of this voyage are incredible. The physician Luke* had time to record
many of the finer points. He told of the ports, the directions, the landings, the time of
year, the seas, the ships’ names, the passenger count, the directions of the wind, (and
in one case, the name of the wind); the seemingly pointless fact they were aboard a
ship with dual rudders; the names of Paul’s guard (Julius), the depth of the ocean near
where they would break up; the two seas coming together and on and on.
*Luke is universally acknowledged as the pen behind the book of Acts, and his journeys with Paul are recorded
therein. In Acts 27, he uses the term ‘we’ and by his detailed descriptions, we know Luke is on the ship.
Paul perceived that the trip would not be a good idea and that harm could come to the
voyage. While not a direct revelation from God, dream, or vision, he had a sense of
doom he expressed to those in charge of the journey.
Act 27:10 And said unto them, Sirs, I perceive that
Paul’s warnings are not heeded. this voyage will be with hurt and much damage, not
only of the lading and ship, but also of our lives.
Paul has gained the trust and confidence of his keeper guard and at one point is let off
the ship to attend services with friends in Sidon. But unable to convince them of the
impending danger, the ship, slow and listless with little guiding wind finally gets un-
derway. From almost stalled at sea to damaging winds, the journey takes a terrifying
turn. At one point, Luke records, the ship required much help – undergirding with
lashes and ropes to hold together the hull.
Pau’s fate was as unknown as the others; men, resigned to shipwreck and death, until
a visit from the angel of the Lord. Let’s look at that for a moment. Paul could have
been given a “sense” of safety, an intuition like before, or he could have been given a
dream – he’s had those before – or a vision. Paul’s been praying since the departure But now, Paul get’s a personal mes-
for a safe journey. We know that by Paul’s history and don’t have to be told. senger – an angel of the Lord, for
reassurance. Why the sense of im-
This wind seems unnatural. I’ve always contended that the weather is God’s revealed portance? Paul’s the only one who
will. The Lord causes the rain to fall on the just and the unjust. We hear of tornadoes saw the angel – so it’s not like it was
destroying entire neighborhoods but sparing one believer in the midst. I’ve adjusted
my thinking on this matter to say that generally, weather is the revealed will, but
sometimes, the currents that control the patterns of weather are reacting to their envi-
ronment, and on occasion, Satan can create havoc in weather by disturbing those pat-
terns. Here’s the verse that caused me to recant my long standing position on weather: