How Do We Define
Grace? |
Latest Update: Aug
22, 929 |
Over 900 Graphics
Teaching on Sovereign Grace |
Let's Rightly Divide Some Misunderstood Positions Regarding Salvation |
Accepting Christ
Elder Mark Green |
Not All the
Elect of God Obey
Elder Vernon Johnson |
Who's Ultimately Responsible for Eternal Life?
Ellis |
Who are the Children of God?
Royce Ellis |
No Place for
the Word
Royce Ellis |
Can We Identify Who's Elect?
Royce Ellis |
Royce Ellis |
Why is Salvation so Confusing to the World?
Royce Ellis |
The Impossibility of Eternal Salvation
Royce Ellis |
Who Then Can Be Saved? Matt 19:25
Royce Ellis |
God So Loved the World
Elder TS Dalton |
John 3:16 - Called of God |
So Loved,
Yet Damned?
Brett McKee |
Acts 13:48 A Companion to John 3:16
Royce Ellis |
A Closer Look at John 3:16
Royce Ellis |
The Circle of Life - Covenant Election |
Elder Daniel Samons |
Are Children
Born into God's Family?
Elder S. A. Paine |
Doctrine, Not Doctrines - Salvation
Elder J H Oliphant |
The Age of
Accountability Error
Royce Ellis |
Not Willing That Any Should Perish 2 Peter 3:9
Royce Ellis |
Will God Have All Men to Be Saved 1 Tim 2:4?
Ellis |
The World
Trips over 2 Peter 3:9 |
Gospel Preached to the Dead? 1 Pe 4:5-6
Royce Ellis |
"Perish" 2 Peter 3:9
Elder Marty Smith |
Works Won't Work for Me
Royce Ellis |
Are you Saved by the Gospel in 2 Th 2:14?
Royce Ellis |
The Sinner's Prayer
Royce Ellis |
Out of Order 2 Th 2:13
Royce Ellis |
Saved and Saved Again
Royce Ellis |
Circumstances for Salvation
Royce Ellis |
3:20 Door of the Heart?
Royce Ellis |
Time or
Gospel Salvation
Royce Ellis |
Royce Ellis |
Such as
Should be Saved
Royce Ellis |
Diving Deep into
John Chapter 6
Royce Ellis |
Certainty of Redemption
Elder John Daily |
Reducing the
Number by Restrictive Language
Ellis |
Preservation vs Perseverance
Elder Daniel Samons |
What About
Old Testament Saints?
Royce Ellis |
Many are Called, Few are Chosen
Royce Ellis |
Can We Be
Royce Ellis |
Social Media Salvation
Elder Daniel Samons |
Man's Role
in Eternal Salvation
Royce Ellis |
Elder S.A. Paine |
Which Jesus?
Elder Neil Phelan |
No One Can
Say Jesus is Lord
Royce Ellis |
All Means
Elder Daniel Samons |
All is Not
What it Seems - Spurgeon |
All Men vs
the Entire Human Race Elder
Marty Smith |
Is the
Infant Ungodly?
Elder S.A. Paine |
Saved When, Exactly?
Elder Dan Samons |
Praying for Salvation |
Are You Safer Before the Gospel Arrives?
Bro. Royce Ellis |
Elder Buddy
Abernathy |
FLIPBOOKS - Flash Booklets on Various Subjects
Text and illustrations come together in an
electronic booklet form you can read online or on a mobile
device. |
Stones in the Jordan 12 or 24?
PDF Royce
Ellis |
The Blessings of Shipwreck
True Gospel
Evangelism |
Giant Prophecy
Royce Ellis |
Eternal Life - a Series of Short Essays |
Free Will - Various Authors |
Zion's Lamp
- Most Recent Edition |
Preaching and Evangelism.
Does the Gospel Play in the New Birth? To Whom are The
Scriptures Written? |
Royce Ellis |
Faster than the Speeding Gospel
Royce Ellis |
Roman Road
Royce Ellis |
Repaving the Roman Road
Royce Ellis |
Glorious Preaching of the Gospel
Elder Ralph Harris |
The Light of
the Gospel
RoRoyce Ellisyce Ellis |
Foolish Preaching
Elder Ralph Harris |
Head Out of Tune with the Heart -
Gospel Purpose
Elder Ralph Harris |
The Purpose of the Gospel 2 Ti 1:10
Royce Ellis |
The Purpose of the Gospel
Part 2
Royce Ellis |
Purpose of the Gospel 1 Cor
Royce Ellis |
Counterfeit Gospel
Elder Ralph Harris |
The Curse of Preaching
Royce Ellis |
Generic Gospel - 2 Co 2:14 |
Any Other Gospel?
Elder Ralph
Harris |
Mystery of the Gospel 1 Tim 3:16 |
Why Preach? |
People the Gospel Can't Reach
Royce Ellis |
If Our Gospel Be Hidden 2 Co 4:3-4
Royce Ellis |
Limited Window for the Gospel
Royce Ellis |
Gospel Power to Save
Royce Ellis |
Royce Ellis |
Gospel Waters - Begotten of the Gospel
RRoyce Ellisoyce Ellis |
The Gospel Pyramid Scheme
Royce Ellis |
Gospel Work Order
Royce Ellisf |
Can't See the Gospel of Christ from Here...Royce
Ellis |
Flesh and Blood Play No Part |
How's Your Reception?
Royce Ellis |
I'd Like to
Teach the World to Sing
Royce Ellis |
Truth Can Withstand the Most Intense Scrutiny
Ellis |
Conversation with a Cannibal
Royce Ellis |
Sow What? 100,60, 30 Fold in Matthew 13 |
Preaching Where No Man's Gone Before Acts 18:9 Elder
Ralph Harris |
Where Do the Indecisive Go?
Elder Ralph Harris |
This Means War
Royce Ellis |
The Great Commission
Don Watson |
Street Preachers Dilemma
Royce Ellis |
Back on the Street Royce
Elliss |
Just Do One
Good Thing
Royce Ellis |
Home in Heaven
Royce Ellis |
Commission or Command? Acts 26:12 |
Scared into Heaven
Royce Ellis |
Does it Matter Which Version?
Royce Ellis |
Old Words, Old Meanings - Begotten
Ellis |
The World's Greatest Preacher
Royce Ellis |
Slow of Heart - The Road to Emmaus Luk 24:25
Royce Ellis |
An Experiment in Absurdities
Elder Bill Allen |
Good News, Bad News
Elder Wayne
Crocker |
Instruction at the Tomb of Lazarus
Elder Keith Ellis |
Foolishness or Stumbling Block? 1 Co 1:23
Royce Ellis |
A Piece of My Mind 1 Co 2:14
Ellis |
Awkward Position
Royce Ellis |
Scholar for Heavenly Grace
Ellis |
A Maze ing Grace
Royce Ellis |
In Other Words -
Gospel Purpose
Elder Ralph Harr |
Incorruptible Word - Being Born Again
Elder Keith Ellis |
A System of Bondage
Elder Ralph Harris |
The Life
Giving Gospel Royce
Ellis |
None Seek
After God
Elder Mark Green |
Author's Intent - The Poem
Ellis |
Knowledge Before the Gospel?
Dr. John Gill |
What is True Biblical Evangelism?
Elder Daniel Samons |
Sowing Gospel Seeds
Ellis |
The World Cannot Receive
Ellis |
Non-Regenerating Gospel Truth
Ellis |
The Man Glory Doctrine and 1 Pet 1:25 Royce
Ellis |
Does the Gospel Bring Life?
Elder Vince Hardy |
They Shall All be Taught of God
Ellis |
No Preaching
to Gentiles? God Forbid!
Ellis |
Gospel is
for the Living
Elder Ralph Harris |
Old School
Journalism Who What Where When Why
Ellis |
Take Two Identical Toys
Elder S.A. Paine |
Minds, Different Impact
Royce Ellis |
Preacher in
Control of Salvation
Elder S.A. Paine |
John Gill
and the Gospel |
Spurgeon on Preaching |
No One Saved
by a Narrow Doctrine |
Elder Michael Ivey |
Do You Have
Ears to Hear? |
Not Everyone
Hears the Same
Ellis |
This People
STILL Won't Hear
Royce Ellis |
Just Give
Them New Ears
Ellis |
Instant Vocal Regeneration
Royce Ellis |
Makes Sense - John 5:25 Royce
Ellis |
Who Hears Gospel Preaching? 1 Jo 4:6
Elder Ralph Harris |
Hear and Obey, for there's no other way...
Royce Ellis |
Did You Hear That? John 5:24 Royce
Ellis |
How Many Times Can I Hear and Reject the Gospel?
Royce Ellis |
Wasted Scriptures - Heareth Not?
Elder Ralph Harris |
Faith Cometh By Hearing
Elder Dan Samons |
Eternal Life -
Regeneration -Quickening and the New Birth. |
Born Again - Is a Sinner Commanded to do this?
Royce Ellis |
New Birth
Royce Ellis |
Is There a Spiritual Spark in Man?
Royce Ellis |
Understanding Regeneration and Conversion |
Heart and Soul - A Closer Look at the New Birth
Royce Ellis |
Activating Eternal Life in 3, 2, 1
Royce Ellis |
Whose Will is Employed in Birth? John 1:13
Elder Ralph Harris |
for Regeneration |
Life Precedes Action
Royce Ellis |
Accepting the Gift of Eternal Life
Royce Ellis |
Ordinary to Extraordinary
Elder Ralph Harris |
Regeneration - Quickened
Royce Ellis |
Some Things Dead Men Can't Do |
Salvation - Against Our Will
Elder Mark Green |
Drawn by the Power of God - Effectual Calling
Royce Ellis |
Proof of Life
Elder Vernon
Johnson |
For Whom He Did Foreknow
Elder Ralph Harris |
The Love of God is Shed Abroad
Elder Ralph Harris |
Salvation Pattern
Royce Ellis |
Salvation Before Manifestation
Elder Bill Allen |
This is the Work of God
Royce Ellis |
What Happens at the New Birth?
Royce Ellis |
The Spirit Quickeneth
Elder Ralph Harris |
Those Who
Desire Heaven
Elder Ralph Harris |
Who Has Eyes to See?
Ellis |
Calling the Brethren - 1 Cor 1:26
Elder Ralph
Harris |
Ye Will Not Come
Charles Spurgeon |
Conditions for Eternal Life
Royce Ellis |
When Exactly Does Obedience Factor in?
Royce Ellis |
Do the
Wicked Desire Life?
Elder Ralph Harris |
The Cart Before the Horse
Elder Ralph Harris |
Salvation - Just
One Prayer Away
Royce Ellis |
Myself a King and Priest
Royce Ellis |
Taking Up His Abode
Elder Ralph Harris |
John 3:7 Marvel Not
Elder Ralph Harris |
Spiritual Circumcision of the Heart
Royce Ellis |
Thunder - The Voice of God
Ellis |
The Seed of Christ
Royce Ellis |
Hard Hearted Disciples
Royce Ellis |
Why Does This Baby Cry?
Elder Ralph Harris |
What About the Fact That...
Elder Ralph Harris |
Born of God
Elder Ralph Harris |
2 Tim
3:16-17 All Scripture
Royce Ellis |
Why Does God
Not Quicken Them?
Elder Ralph Harris |
Ask, Seek, Knock 1911 Debate
Elder Mark Green |
Why Will He
Elder Mark Green |
Evidence of
Heavenly Birth
Elder Ralph Harris |
Moving From
Sin to Obedience
Royce Ellis |
Understanding Regeneration
Elder Dan Samons |
Elder Daniel Samons |
Rightly Dividing the Work of God
versus the Responsibility of Man. |
Not Based on Works - The Election of God |
Is the Doctrine of Election Fair?
Royce Ellis |
Do all things work together for good? |
Election in Scripture
Royce Ellis |
Proof of Election?
Royce Ellis |
Romans 8:29 Foreknowledge of God
Elder Ralph Harris |
Deserving of Eternal Salvation
Elder Ralph Harris |
One Offering, One Sacrifice Heb 10
Royce Ellis |
Spoiler Alert...About that Book
Royce Ellis |
Lamb's Book of Life
Royce Ellis |
Vessels Fitted for Destruction - Jacob, Esau
Elder Ralph Harris |
Elder Michael Ivey |
He Knows The Names
Royce Ellis |
Will He be surprised at their response? 2Tim2:19
Ellis |
All Shall John 6:37
Royce Ellis |
In and Out of the Book of Life
Royce Ellis |
The Lord Knoweth Them
Royce Ellis |
Vessels of Honor - Elect on What Basis?
Elder Vernon Johnson |
Accepted in the Beloved
Elder Ralph Harris |
Conditional Forgiveness?
Two Types of People
Ralph Harris |
Self-Willed Salvation
Royce Ellis |
He Shall Save His People
Royce Ellis |
Taking Reservations for Eternity
Royce Ellis |
Because You are Not of God John 8:47 Rom 10:14
Royce Ellis |
Choosing our Parents - Adoption Eph 1:5
Elder JC Stanalan |
A True Common Salvation - No Difference
Elder D. Montgomery |
Power Over All Flesh
Royce Ellis |
All the Elect Raised
Elder Ralph Harris |
How Many is As Many? Isa 53:11
Royce Ellis |
Which System
is Better? Elder
Ralph Harris |
Saved by Grace Alone
Elder Ralph Harris |
God's Eternal Purpose
Royce Ellis |
Come on Down Zacchaeus
Royce Ellis |
I Chose You Because I Saw You Accepted Me
Royce Ellis |
Why Grumble?
Elder Ralph Harris |
Jesus Saves(d)
Royce Ellis |
Elder Ralph Harris |
Who Moves First in Chess?
Royce Ellis |
Christian Mousetrap
Royce Ellis |
And Such Were Some of You
Royce Ellis |
Grace in John 6:44
Royce Ellis |
Discriminating Dealings with Men
Elder Ralph Harris |
Heart or
Head Religion
Elder Buddy Abernathy |
Fitted or
Prepared? Two Classes of People
Elder Ralph Harris |
Our Sins to the Cross
Elder Wilson Thompson |
Whose Job?
Royce Ellis |
Structure of Romans 8:29
Elder Michael Ivey |
Elder CH Cayce |
Musings on Divine Choice
Elder Ralph Harris |
No Way
Around the Truth
Elder Ralph Harris |
Would God
Teach a Dangerous Doctrine?
Elder Ralph
Harris |
Who Works First?
Arthur Pink |
Evidences of Grace in the Heart
Elder Ralph Harris |
Saved from
Trey Stevenson |
A Powerful
Royce Ellis |
The Sufficiency of Christ
Elder Neil Phelan Jr |
Who Can
Please God?
Royce Ellis |
Obedience to
the Truth
Elder Ralph Harris |
Straws - Election
Elder David Montgomery |
Enmity -
God's Gift to Haters?
Royce Ellis |
What is our
Reasonable Service?
Elder Dan Samons |
The Real
Office Work of Christ
Royce Ellis |
Elder Joel Hume |
Hath Obtained It
Elder Vernon Johnson |
Choosing God
Elder Daniel Samons |
Sinner Seems
the Same?
Elder TL Webb |
Who Did More? The Saviour or the
Elder John Daily |
Destiny Elder
Ralph Harris |
Made Accepted
Ralph Harris |
Painted into a Corner
Elder S.A. Paine |
Church, Worship, Prayer and Christian Living |
Royce Ellis |
The Key Ingredient to Worship
Royce Ellis |
Purposeful Gifts
Elder Ralph Harris |
Sleeping in on Sunday Morning
Royce Ellis |
Looking for a Better Excuse
Royce Ellis |
Sunday School History - Video
Elder Keith Ellis |
The Dangers of Isolation - When Fellowship Fails
Royce Ellis |
Spirit and Truth - Anyone Can Do That
Royce Ellis |
Concerts, Pizza, Cupcakes, Special Comic Speaker!
Royce Ellis |
Musical Instruments in Worship
Elder Don Watson |
Strait Gate, Narrow Way
Royce Ellis |
Caring for the Bride
Royce Ellis |
Robbing God
Royce Ellis |
Romans 8:31 If God be for us
Elder Ralph Harris |
Replacing the Foundational Bricks
Royce Ellis |
The Church of Uncertain
Royce Ellis |
Christian Life is for Now
Elder Ralph Harris |
Threefold Church
Elder Carl Staten |
High Tech Worship - the Agents of Change Pro 24:21
Royce Ellis |
You Call That a Church?
Royce Ellis |
Man's Ideal Church
Royce Ellis |
People Want Different Things in a Church
Royce Ellis |
Priorities - Jonah 2:8
Royce Ellis |
Knowing the Doctrine John 7:17
Elder Ralph Harris |
Upon this Rock... Casarea Philippi
Royce Ellis |
The Thousand Year Reign - a Detailed Look
Elder Vernon
Johnson |
Employment Covenant
Royce Ellis |
First Called Christians?
Royce Ellis |
Preacher Worship?
Elder Ralph Harris |
33,000 Christian Denominations
Royce Ellis |
No Place to Quit
Elder Ralph Harris |
Ten Righteous Men
Royce Ellis |
The Christians' New Clothes
Royce Ellis |
Hard Shall Baptist?
Royce Ellis |
What Does Fasting Mean in Today's Society?
Royce Ellis |
Fasting - A Personal Experience
Royce Ellis |
The Shepherd Deserves a Nap
Royce Ellis |
A Good Warfare
Elder Ralph Harris |
A Sad Decline - the Power of Prayer |
Show Him a Better House
Royce Ellis |
In Spirit AND In Truth
Royce Ellis |
Walking Away from
Royce Ellis |
Greener Grass
Royce Ellis |
The Lord Perpetuates the Church |
What a
Beautiful Cross!
Royce Ellis |
Spotting False Teaching
Royce Ellis |
Modern Altar Call
Royce Ellis |
Even Though We're All Christians
Royce Ellis |
False Corners
Floy Gross |
Can We
Worship Anywhere?
Royce Ellis |
Forced to Worship Against His Will
Royce Ellis |
Not of the
Elder Michael Ivey |
What's a
Four Shall Baptist?
Elder Ralph Harris |
False Charges Disproved
Elder Ralph Harris |
Royce Ellis |
Down Level
Royce Ellis |
What Grace Teaches - License to
Elder Ralph Harris |
Are There
Angels in the Pews?
Royce Ellis |
Obedience is
Elder Vernon Johnson |
Pastor, Bishop
Elder Vernon Johnson
Easy Offense
Mallow |
We Can Help It - Resist the Devil
Elder Michael Ivey |
A Warning to
God's People
Elder Michael Ivey |
Paying for
Royce Ellis |
James 5:16
Royce Ellis |
A Picture of Sin
Elder Michael Gowens |
Blessings of the World! Royce
Ellis |
Tweezers Elder
David Montgomery |
Pray for your
Brother Royce Ellis |
Is Church
Membership Biblical?
Bro. Royce Ellis |
Suggestions for Church Etiquette
The Banner of Love |
Baptism, Communion - Church Ordinances |
Sheep, Goats, Fruit, Bibles and
More |
Royce Ellis |
Sheep in
Goat's Clothing
Royce Ellis |
Mark 16:16 - Options
Ellis |
Sheep and Goats - A different Life.
Ellis |
Taking the Lord's Name in Vain
Ellis |
Good Fruit, Evil Fruit
Ellis |
Evidence of
Elder Ralph Harris |
By Their
Elder Ralph Harris |
Subject, Subjected.
Ellis |
Fruit of the Spirit
Ellis |
Grape Juice or Wine?
Ellis |
For the
Elder Ralph Harris |
Baptism Mode
Ellis |
Not a Baaaaddd Illustration
Ellis |
Is Born of Water Water Baptism?
Elder Ralph
Harris |
These Don't Desire Rest
Elder John Daily |
Washing the Saints Feet
Elder CH Cayce |
Passing Under the Rod - Psalms 23
Ellis |
Is Baptism Necessary for Eternal Life?
Elder Bobby
Willis |
Sheep are the Covenant Children
Royce Ellis |
Confirming, Changing, Redeeming - One Shoe
Ellis |
Examining the Flock Matthew 25
Elder Bill Allen |
In That Day, 7 Women...
Royce Ellis |
That's a
Bummer, Man! |
Communion - Showing His Death
Elder Ralph Harris |
There Remaineth No More Lamb
Royce Ellis |
Deacon Blues
Royce Ellis |
Wolves in Sheep's Clothing
Elder Mark Green |
2 Cor 6:14 Unequally Yoked
Royce Ellis |
Why Men Rob
Royce Ellis |
Baptism - Everything, Anything, Nothing
John Leland |
Which Version? Why the King James?
Elder Don Watson |
Brother Royce Ellis |
The World's
Best Apple Pie
Royce Ellis |
Faith, Doctrine & Mysteries |
Finding Faith - Next Contestant Please
Ellis |
The Faith of God Romans 3
Royce Ellis |
Saved by Grace, but Whose Faith?
Royce Ellis |
Power of the Potter - Saving Faith of God
Royce Ellis |
For therein is the righteousness...
Royce Ellis |
All Men Have Not Faith 2 Thess 3:2
Royce Ellis |
Walking by Faith
Elder Ralph Harris |
From Faith to Faith Romans 1:17
Royce Ellis |
Faith on Delivery Rom 10:17 Gal 3:2
Royce Ellis |
Predestination - Glorious Doctrine
Elder Ralph Harris |
Wisdom From a Watermelon
William Jennings
Bryant |
Predestination in Scripture
Royce Ellis |
A Brief
Synopsis of Faith 1917
Elder Frederick Keene |
Predestination - in Other Words
Royce Ellis |
Gospel Glasses
Royce Ellis |
Bread Math |
Counting the
Cost - No Incomplete Bridge |
Circle Faith
Elder Bill Allen |
Resurrection of Christ
Elder Ralph Harris |
Cheap Faith
Elder Ralph Harris |
Pleasing God
is an Easy Task
Elder S. A. Paine |
No Leap of Faith
Elder Michael Ivey |
When Lord,
Did We Do These Things?
Elder Michael Ivey |
Hope, The
Anchor of the Soul
Elder Michael Ivey |
Believe, Belief,
Believeth |
Seen and
Believe Not John 6:36
Royce Ellis |
Who Can Believeth?
Is Belief Necessary to the New Birth?
Royce Ellis |
Instructions for Believing
Royce Ellis |
Not Seeing
is Believing
Elder Buddy Abernathy |
Are We Saved
by Believing?
Elder Buddy Abernathy |
Relationship Between Belief and New Birth
Elder Vernon Johnson |
Proper Order
Elder Daniel Samons |
It Matters What we Believe
Elder Ralph Harris |
Verb Tense
is Believable
Elder Steve Woods |
The Aspects of Salvation. Eternal, Timely, Knowledge
and Saved from What, Exactly? |
Jeopardy, Double Jeopardy
Elder Chris
Blevins |
Wheel! of! Salvation!
Royce Ellis |
Salvation -
America's Favorite Game
Royce Ellis |
Let's Make a Deal
Royce Ellis |
The Internal Struggle Against Daily Sin
Royce Ellis |
Can Man Save Himself? Mystery of Salvation
Royce Ellis |
Sliding Scale of Salvation
Royce Ellis |
A Strong
Elder Ralph Harris |
The Way of
Salvation - John 14:6
Elder Floy Gross |
Saved from
What, Exactly?
Royce Ellis |
The Limited Atoning Work of Jesus
Royce Ellis |
A Heavenly Host
Join the Resistance
Royce Ellis |
Ye Might Have Life
Royce Ellis |
No Man Can Come to
Christ? John 6:44
Royce Ellis |
Quick Quiz - Are You Prepared for Eternity?
Ellis |
A Better Way of Eternal Salvation - God's Way
Elder Ralph Harris |
Can't Do Tax Forms, But Salvation's a Breeze
Royce Ellis |
Walk in the Spirit
Royce Ellis |
Sylly Logic Allows Facts in the Way |
When the Timing is
Just Right
Royce Ellis |
Syllogism, Book 2
Elder Vince Hardy |
Temporal or
Eternal Salvation?
Elder Daniel Samons |
Syllogism, Take 3
Elder S. A.
Paine |
Salvation Elder C
H Cayce |
Elder S.A. Paine |
No Nonsense in the Truth
Elder Ralph Harris |
of Confession
Elder S.A. Paine |
Crucial to Rightly
Royce Ellis |
Workmanship in Christ - A Good Work
Royce Ellis |
New Tech Salvation
Royce Ellis |
Unfinished Work? Eternal Salvation at Stake.
Royce Ellis |
Are You Saved and From What?
Royce Ellis |
Can you Make an Eternal Mistake?
Royce Ellis |
Which Weighs More?
A Pound of Feathers...
Royce Ellis |
In Other Words -
Gospel Purpose
Elder Ralph Harris |
Flesh and Blood - It Can Reveal Truth, Can't It?
Royce Ellis |
Royce Ellis |
If ye then be risen with Christ Col 3:1
Elder Ralph
Harris |
Grammar Time - The Pronoun HIS
Royce Ellis |
Two Salvations
Elder Mark Thomas |
System Failure - Are Any Saved?
Elder John Daily |
Because we love the brethren...
Elder Ralph Harris |
Good Morning Mr. Phelps
Royce Ellis |
O Wretched Man - Romans 7
Royce Ellis |
Supplanting Authority - Who's the Spiritual Head?
Royce Ellis |
Did Christ Die for All Sins of All Men?
Dr. John Owen |
Who Will Have All Men to be Saved
Royce Ellis |
The New Birth is Pointless (Under their system)
Royce Ellis |
Modern Horror Story
Royce Ellis |
1 Peter 1:2 What Peter Meant to Say...
Royce Ellis |
Ruined by One, Saved by One
Elder Ralph Harris |
The Lord Knows Already
Elder Ralph Harris |
Salvation by Grace |
Eternal Life
not Based on Chance
Elder RH Pittman |
Time and
Eternal - Now and Later
Elder Chris McCool |
Difference - Debt Free
Elder Marty Smith |
Elder Mark Green |
Not on the
Basis of Merit
Elder Ralph Harris |
No Nonsense in the Truth
Elder Ralph Harris |
Population of Heaven Determined by Sinners
Royce Ellis |
Redemption Obtained
Elder CH Cayce |
Ye Might Be Saved
Elder Bryce Lowrance |
Elder Vernon Johnson |
Is Once Saved, Always Saved scriptural? How Long is Eternal? |
Teetering on a Dangerous Walk
Royce Ellis |
God's People Cannot Be Lost
Elder Ralph Harris |
Once Saved, Always Saved?
Royce Ellis |
Is it Eternal Life or Not? Can we Lose it?
Royce Ellis |
What Happens on Earth, Stays on Earth - A Paradox
Royce Ellis |
Preservation John 6:37
Elder Ralph Harris |
Can We Have Full Assurance?
Elder Mark Green |
Lost, Found? Safe and Sound
Elder Ralph
Harris |
Eternal Life Cannot Be Lost
Elder Ralph Harris |
Saved Forever
Elder Bill Allen |
Hands of
Protection John 10:27-30 2 Tim 2:10
Royce Ellis |
Eternal Life
Elder CH Cayce |
The Burden
of Eternal Life
Ellis |
The Surety
of Salvation of God's People
Ralph Harris |
Sinning - No More Sacrifice
Elder Michael Ivey |
Can't Fall Out of the Limb
Elder Ralph Harris |
Unanswered Prayers?
Royce Ellis |
Elder Ward Rowell |
The Nature and
Works of God |
Did God Know His Plan of Salvation Would Fail?
Royce Ellis |
The Sands of Time
Royce Ellis |
Is Anything Too Hard for the Lord?
Elder Ralph Harris |
A Loving God Would Never Judge or Condemn
Royce Ellis |
The Lord God Omnipotent Reigneth
Elder Ralph Harris |
God is the Apprehender
Elder Vernon
Johnson |
The Justice of God
Vernon Johnson |
The Names of God
Elder Vernon
Johnson |
7 Things God Cannot Do
Elder Vernon
Johnson |
Titles - Reverend
Elder Ralph Harris |
God is a God of Purpose
Ellis |
What's in a Name?
Elder Ralph
Harris |
My Jesus or Your Jesus?
Elder Ralph
Harris |
Does God Hate?
Royce Ellis |
The Power of Love
Royce Ellis |
Reconciliation to a Just and Holy God
Royce Ellis |
The Physical Appearance of Jesus
Don Watson |
Layers and Layers of Protection
Royce Ellis |
Is There Unrighteousness with God?
Elder Ralph Harris |
Power in Salvation
Royce Ellis |
God Painted a Masterpiece
Royce Ellis |
Doctrinal Hurdles
Royce Ellis |
Known Unto
Royce Ellis |
7 Questions
from Romans 8
Elder Vernon Johnson |
153 Great Fish in John 21
Royce Ellis |
Conclusions Regarding the Holy Ghost
Royce Ellis |
The Sufferings of Christ 1 Peter 3:18
Elder Ralph Harris |
How Does God See Us?
Royce Ellis |
Regarding Justification
Sister Cherilyn Thomas |
The Duration of God's Love
Elder Ralph Harris |
God Cannot Lie
Royce Ellis |
An Immutable God
Elder Ralph Harris |
God Shows His Mercy
Elder Ralph Harris |
The Twins
Royce Ellis |
Elder Ralph Harris |
God's Work First
Elder Ralph Harris |
What's in a
Name - The Missing J
Anthony Diaz |
Time is on My Side
Royce Ellis |
Fear Not Bible Math
Royce Ellis |
Arthur Pink |
The Will is In Force and Active
Royce Ellis |
Drawn by Everlasting Love
Elder Floy Gross |
Unchangeable Will and Testament
Royce Ellis |
Reverse Engineering Romans 8:28
Elder Pat Young |
Building a Better TULIP
Elder Bill Allen |
Can Man Show
Compassion and Mercy?
Royce Ellis |
Elder Ralph Harris |
Purpose and Grace 2 Ti 1:9
Royce Ellis |
The Last
Words of King David
Royce Ellis |
Whale Whale Whale
Royce Ellis |
The Work of the Creator
Royce Ellis |
Elder AD Wood |
God Must Get
the Glory
Elder Ralph Harris |
The Pitcher Plant
Elder Ralph Harris |
Elder Ralph Harris |
If He Wanted to Save Everyone...
Elder Ralph Harris |
Romans 9:18 Does He Harden Those He
Loves? |
When Does
Everlasting Love Begin?
Royce Ellis |
The Word of
God Creates
Royce Ellis |
Will the
Real Jesus Please Step Forward?
Elder Ralph Harris |
Great Things
Elder Ralph Harris |
Our God is
in the Heavens
Elder Ralph Harris |
No Changes
in an Everlasting God
Elder Ralph Harris |
Nine from 9
- Truths from Romans
Elder Dan Samons |
God Has No Needs
Elder Ralph Harris |
the Will of God?
Royce Ellis |
of God
Elder Vernon Johnson |
Past Lives
Elder Daniel Montgomery |
The Most Right
Elder Mark Green |
In an Esau
PJ Walters |
Accomplished 2 Co 5
Elder Mark Thomas |
Defense of Propitiation
Elder Mark Thomas |
the Name of God |
Crucifixion Real? |
Who Can Turn
Elder Ralph Harris |
Elder Vernon Johnson |
Eternal and Experiential Justification
Elder Michael Ivey |
Eternal God
or Eternal Matter?
Elder Michael Ivey |
Peter, Paul and Some Random Acts... |
Could Paul be a Castaway?
Royce Ellis |
Also, In Addition to...
Elder Bill Allen |
Blinded by the Light
Royce Ellis |
Endure All Things
2 Tim 2:10
Royce Ellis |
Saul to Paul, A Clean Slate
Royce Ellis |
Saul, Paul Name Change
Royce Ellis |
Lessons from Cornelius
Elder Vernon
Johnson |
Tongues? I'm Saying Take Another Look
Royce Ellis |
Closer Look
at an Italian Solider |
Peter's Sound Sleep
Royce Ellis |
No Good in the Flesh
Elder Ralph Harris |
Handwriting on the Cross
Royce Ellis |
Who Founded the Church in Rome? Peter?
Royce Ellis |
Preaching to the Spirits in Prison
Royce Ellis |
To Whom Were the Epistles Addressed?
Elder Don
Richards |
Acts 13:48
Ordained to Eternal Life
Elder Bill Allen |
Did Paul Die From a Stoning?
Royce Ellis |
Godly Sorrow in 2 Co 7:10
Royce Ellis |
Acts 5:34-39 If This Action Be of Men...
Royce Ellis |
Paul's Preaching Appointment Cancelled
Royce Ellis |
Damascus Road Experience
Royce Ellis |
What if Peter hadn't gone preaching in Acts 10?
Royce Ellis |
Luke Writing from Inside History
Royce Ellis |
How Shall We Escape? Heb 2:3
Royce Ellis |
The Theme of Romans in One Graphic
Royce Ellis |
As Many As -
Song from the 1920s |
The Blessings of Shipwreck
Flipbook (Flash)
Royce Ellis |
♫ ♫ Who
Wrote the Book of Hebrews? ♫ ♫
Don Richards |
Titus 2 -
What Paul Really Meant to Say
Royce Ellis |
Supporting Role - Ananais
Brother Royce Ellis |
Kingdom of God is Here, Now. |
Which Israel?
Natural vs Spiritual? |
The Kingdom of God - A Spiritual Dominion |
The Kingdom of God - When? Where?
Royce Ellis |
Identifying the
Royce Ellis |
Waiting on a Kingdom
Royce Ellis |
Israel of God - Paul's Unanswered Prayer
Royce Ellis |
Turning the Invisible Visible
Royce Ellis |
Christians Must
Stand With Israel? |
Earthly Headquarters
Royce Ellis |
The Third Temple
Effort in Palestine
Royce Ellis |
Courtroom in the Heart and Mind
Elder Vernon
Johnson |
Is There Possibly
a Cure?
Royce Ellis |
The Church Kingdom
Royce Ellis |
Vote Scofield/Darby for the 21st Century
Royce Ellis |
Did Jesus Waste His Time?
Royce Ellis |
A Bill of Divorcement - Israel Left Behind
Royce Ellis |
Summons to the Royal Courtroom
Royce Ellis |
The 70th Week of Daniel
Elder Keith Ellis |
Daily Court Appearance
Elder Vernon
Johnson |
John the Baptist
Royce Ellis |
Is Satan
Bound or Loose?
Elder Michael Ivey |
Blessings Abound Elder Michael Ivey |
How Much Error is Too Much? Reformed, Universal Salvation, Arminianism,
General Atonement |
Universalism - All, Every, World
Ellis |
The Christ of Arminianism
Steven Houck |
The Deceiving Beauty of Universal Salvation
Charles Spurgeon |
Makes the Gift a Curse
William Crouse |
Was Everyman Given to Jesus?
Elder Daniel Samons |
Amazing Works
Elder PT Oliphant |
An Acronymic Religion - WWJD? COFFEE
Ellis |
Arminian Grace |
Elder Bill Allen |
Your Karma ran over my Dogma
Elder David Montgomery |
Paper Thin Theology - God Loves Everyone
Royce Ellis |
Gnosticism - Logic or Miracle
Elder Philip Conley |
A Smooth
Stone Well Placed 1 John 2:2
Elder SE Copeland |
Are They For Us,
or Against Us?
Elder Michael Ivey |
Modern Prayers of Opposition
Spurgeon |
When Science
and Scripture Clash
Royce Ellis |
Partners in
Ellis |
Sad State of Atheists
Elder Bill Allen |
Resistance to the Doctrines of Grace
Royce Ellis |
Despiteful Christians Internet Version
Ellis |
Starting Truth
Ellis |
A Gospel of
Elder William Crouse |
The Absolute
Power of Nothing
Elder Harold Hunt |
Prosperity Gospel - Fleecing the Flock
Bro. Royce Ellis |
Messiah -
Elder Ralph Harris |
What is a
Royce Ellis |
How the Religious World views
Elder Ralph Harris |
Why I Left the
Missionary Baptists
JH Fisher |
Modern Praise and Worship from an Insider
John Branyan |
Wholesale Salvation
Royce Ellis |
Examining Reformed and Calvinist Positions |
Ten Reasons Primitive Baptists are Not Calvinists |
Calvin Takes His Gospel Medicine
Royce Ellis |
New and Improved Calvinism
Elder Harold Hunt |
Hyper-Calvinism - No Thank You.
Royce Ellis |
Fine Line Between Truth and Error
Royce Ellis |
31 Flavors
of Grace
Royce Ellis |
World's View
of Predestination vs Scripture |
Spot the Differences with Calvinism
Elder Todd Nunley |
Predestination Error |
When Does Perseverance Fail?
Ellis |
Detailed Look at the
Reformed Tulip Letter by Letter |
Perseverance vs Preservation
Royce Ellis |
T U |
L |
I |
P |
Free Will |
Free Will in Eternal Salvation
Royce Ellis |
Automatic Verse Changer!
Royce Ellis |
Vote Early and Often
Royce Ellis |
Tough Questions
for the Free Will Faction |
Freewill vs Predestination
Royce Ellis |
Partial Free
Royce Ellis |
Scriptural Free Will
Royce Ellis |
Thinking - RC Spoul |
Proving Too Much - Free Will?
Elder Mark
Green |
The Lord Has
No Authority Over Us!
Elder Ralph Harris |
Free Will
Versus He Will
Elder Daniel Samons |
Quotes Against Free Will |
Puppet on a
Elder Vernon Johnson |
The King
Chooses to Live Like an Animal
Royce Ellis |
Making the
Elder FP Bransome |
Old Testament |
Holding up the Arms
Royce Ellis |
Exodus Take Two - Out of Bondage
Royce Ellis |
Tell Pharaoh Thusly
Royce Ellis |
A Giant Prophecy
Royce Ellis |
The Authority of Moses' Seat
Royce Ellis |
None of the Wicked Shall Understand
Elder Keith
Ellis |
Jewish Wedding
Royce Ellis |
Working for a Wife
Elder Vernon
Johnson |
Elder Vernon
Johnson |
Noah - Facts About the Ark |
The Way, The
Truth, and the Life |
How Long was Jonah in the Whale?
Royce Ellis |
Through the
Elder Ralph Harris |
Oldest Book in the Bible? Not so fast...
Vernon Johnson |
Respect of Persons, No Respect
Elder Vernon
Johnson |
Walking the Pieces with Abraham
Royce Ellis |
Salt in Scripture - a Closer Look
Royce Ellis |
Sin of Ham, Curse of Canaan
Royce Ellis |
Boaz and the
Nearer Kinsman
Brother Roger Gartman |
Joshua Chapter 10 |
Some Thoughts on Passover
Royce Ellis |
Wood You
Like to Hear a Story?
Elder Vernon Johnson |
Atonement |
The General
Atonement Problem
Eder Ben Cordes |
The Atonement Quandary
Elder Daniel Samons |
Did Christ
Die for All Men?
Dr. Robert Shaw |
Atonement or Limited?
Royce Ellis |
The Atonement and the Money Changers
Ellis |
Elder RW Thompson |
The Limited Atonement
John 17 Acts 2:39
Ellis |
3 Arguments
for Limited Atonement
Elder Daniel Samons |
At one ment - A Look at Atonement
Nyandoro Ocharo |
Believes in a Limited Atonement
Elder Keith Ellis |
New Testament Articles,
Insights |
Lawyers and the Good Samaritan
Royce Ellis |
Pharisee and
the Publican - A Closer Look
Michael Ivey |
Changes in the Thief
Royce Ellis |
Prisoner Set Free
Royce Ellis |
Morning on Golgotha
Royce Ellis |
Touch Me, Touch Me Not
Royce Ellis |
Offender for a Word
Royce Ellis |
Naked in the World
Royce Ellis |
5 Porches in John Chapter 5
Royce Ellis |
Waiting on Lazarus
Royce Ellis |
Mystery on the Mount
Royce Ellis |
Men as Trees, Walking
Royce Ellis |
Ten Lepers
Royce Ellis |
Unseen Hope Rom 8:24
Elder Ralph Harris |
Meekness Does Not Mean Weak
Elder Don Watson |
The Truth about Tithing
Elder Keith Ellis |
Did Jesus Die in Vain? |
Outside Influence
Royce Ellis |
An Unworkable Theology
Elder Ralph Harris |
Editing to Appease the World
Royce Ellis |
Applying to be an Heir Royce
Ellis |
A Level Salvation
Elder Bill Allen |
Loose Him and Let Him Go
Elder Keith Ellis |
Prescription for Good Health
Elder Vernon
Johnson |
Birth Control to Major Tom...
Royce Ellis |
Straight and Narrow
Royce Ellis |
What are we Debtors to?
Elder Vernon Johnson |
The End of Marriage - A Silver Lining
Royce Ellis |
Strangers to the World 1 John 3:1
Elder Ralph Harris |
Honey or Vinegar? |
A National Day of Prayer - It's Time Again. |
A Come to Jesus Meeting
Royce Ellis |
Catch Me if You Can
Elder Ralph Harris |
Our Nation's Strength |
Reaping What We Sow Royce
Ellis |
Royce Ellis |
666 - Numbers in Scripture
Elder Vernon Johnson |
Heir Heir!
Elder Harold
Hunt |
Favored Second Elder Vernon Johnson |
One More Coat will Cover This Nicely
Royce Ellis |
Sounds right if you edit it.
Royce Ellis |
False Teachers
Elder Vernon
Johnson |
Balancing Truth
Royce Ellis |
The Chicken or the Egg?
Royce Ellis |
Teen-Age Wasteland
Royce Ellis |
Hungering and Thirsting - Who Does That?
Royce Ellis |
A Promise is Never to a Stranger
Elder Ralph Harris |
My Relatives Think I'm Doomed...
Royce Ellis |
The Gifts of God
Elder Ralph Harris |
Got Change for a Sinner?
Royce Ellis |
Alabaster Box and the New Birth
Royce Ellis |
Enter into Rest
Elder Keith
Ellis |
What Harm Can One Little Change Cause?
Royce Ellis |
The Weaver |
I Can't Help My Behavior - I was Born This Way!
Ellis |
The Great Debate from an 8th Grader
Royce Ellis |
Welcome to
Social Engineering
Royce Ellis |
for Christ
Royce Ellis |
The Truth Shall Make You Free
Royce Ellis |
Ephesians 1:7 - A Blood Free Religion
Royce Ellis |
Before Him in Love
Elder JC Stanaland |
No Will of His Own
Royce Ellis |
I Will Work a Work Acts 13:38
Royce Ellis |
Measuring Cups
Royce Ellis |
It Takes a Thief
Royce Ellis |
Faith - In Advance Please
Elder Ralph Harris |
Confused Folks Matthew 25
Elder Ralph Harris |
Hope is a Precious Gift
Elder Ralph Harris |
The Friend of Sinners
Elder Ralph Harris |
Reverential Affection
Elder Ralph Harris |
Circular Reasoning
Royce Ellis |
Christ is
Precious to Believers
Elder Ralph Harris |
The T U L I P
Royce Ellis |
Thanksgiving for Believers
Royce Ellis |
Entering in by the Door
Elder G H Crain |
Spirit, Soul, Immortality, Essence of God? Death, Hell and Judgment |
Body, Soul, Spirit Before & After Regeneration
Royce Ellis |
A Biblical Look at
Hell and Judgment (Best Read in Order) |
What Happens at the New Birth?
Royce Ellis |
The Vengeance of Eternal Fire Jude 1:7
Royce Ellis |
What Happens at Death?
Royce Ellis |
Are there People Suffering in Hell
Today? (1)
Royce |
No Hell?
Royce Ellis |
Hell and How Scripture Defines It Hell (2)
Royce Ellis |
Satan Knows His Time is Short
Royce Ellis |
Extra-Biblical (1) - Reaching Beyond the Bible
Royce Ellis |
Spiritual Death?
Royce Ellis |
Extra-Biblical (2) Soul Searching
Royce Ellis |
Know Your Enemy
Royce Ellis |
Extra-Biblical (3) The State of the Non Elect
Royce Ellis |
Unforgivable Sin - Who Can Commit it?
Royce Ellis |
Death Has Rules
Royce Ellis |
The Coming Antichrist
Royce Ellis |
Death Suit
Royce Ellis |
Is There a Secret Chamber Under the Earth?
Royce Ellis |
Did He Die for Those in Hell?
Royce Ellis |
Like Babies Waiting to Be Born
Elder Michael Ivey |
Five Deaths Listed in Scripture
Elder Vernon Johnson |
The Boiling Frog
Royce Ellis |
Warehouse of Souls?
Royce Ellis |
Perish the Thought
Royce Ellis |
Peace with
Royce Ellis |
Adam, Man, Nature, Depravity
- It all starts in the Garden... |
Side by Side with the Nature of Adam
Royce Ellis |
Let's Talk, Man to Man
Royce Ellis |
Understanding Inherited Sin
Royce Ellis |
Man's Innate Depravity
Elder Ralph Harris |
Is Infant Purity Taught in Scripture?
Royce Ellis |
Adam's Fall and Total Depravity
Royce Ellis |
Total Depravity of All Mankind
Elder Bob Dickerson Jr |
Meet Adam and Understand the Fall
Royce Ellis |
Dual Nature of the Child of God
Royce Ellis |
Adam's Family Values
Royce Ellis |
Ruined by
One, Saved by Another
Elder Ralph Harris |
Pet Doctrines -
Adam, With Her
Royce Ellis |
Man without God
Elder Ralph Harris |
A Visit to the Garden
Royce Ellis |
Ye Shall NOT Surely Die
Royce Ellis |
Adam and
Christ - Contrast and Compare
Royce Ellis |
Inside Out -
Worm and the Apple
Elder Ralph Harris |
Brand Spanking New
Royce Ellis |
Let's Get a Brand New Heart!
Royce Ellis |
From Nature to Grace
Elder Ralph Harris |
A Mind Against God - Enmity
RV Sarrels |
An Impossible Situation
Elder Ralph Harris |
In My Flesh Dwelleth No Good Thing Romans 7:18
Elder Ralph
Harris |
The Struggle is Real
Royce Ellis |
Who Can Really Know the Heart?
Elder Ralph Harris |
Life Giving Voice
Royce Ellis |
Elder Ralph Harris |
Wickedness in Every Age
Elder Ralph Harris |
Ye Were Sometimes Darkness
Elder Ralph Harris |
Natural Capacity to Sin
Royce Ellis |
Elder Dallas Eaton II |
Yea, Hath God Said?
Elder Vernon
Johnson |
The Doctrine
of Original Sin
Elder RD Hargrow |
Man Has a
Sin Problem
Royce Ellis |
Wretched by
Elder Ralph Harris |
The Pure Innocence of a New Born Child
Royce Ellis |
Putting the World's Holidays into Perspective |
Emergency Repair Truck
Royce Ellis |
Praying to Santa
Royce Ellis |
Teaching New Converts to Celebrate Christ Mass
Royce Ellis |
Elf on the Shelf
Royce Ellis |
Time to Pick a Tree
Royce Ellis |
Counterfeiting God? That's Just Silly. |
Teach Your Children Well
Royce Ellis |
I'll Just Leave This Here Without Comment. |
Meanwhile, at the end of October
Royce Ellis |
A Little Mocking of God is Okay
Royce Ellis |
Easter is in the Bible!
Royce Elllis |
Let's Take Off the Pastel Colored Gloves
Royce Ellis |
Happy Holidays Charles Spurgeon |
Articles, Helpful Charts, Outside Resources & Verse by Verse Commentaries |
Associations in Scripture |
Animals |
Metals |
Numbers |
Colors |
Signs and Wonders |
Verse by Verse Commentaries |
Genesis |
Exodus |
Gospel of Matthew
Gospel of
John |
Acts |
Romans |
Galatians |
Ephesians |
Phillipi |
Colossians |
1 Thessalonians |
2 Thessalonians |
Hebrews |
First and Second Peter
RE |
Revelation |
The Rich Man and Lazarus Luke 16 |
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4 |
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10 |
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15 |
Charts, History |
Primitive Baptist Terminology |
Linking the Church through History
Elder RA Tindall |
Marks of the Historical Church
Elder Michael Ivey |
Starting Dates of Major Religions
Royce Ellis |
Baptist Names Through History |
When Was the New Testament Penned?
Royce Ellis |
Linking the Apostles
Royce Ellis |
Can We Determine the Birth date of Christ? |
Who Are the Herods?
Elder Don
Richards |
Feasts of the Lord - a Primer on Seven Feasts
Royce Ellis |
Year of the Lord - BC/AD |
Crucifixion to Resurrection - How Long?
Royce Ellis |
Counting the Hours of a Jewish Day
Royce Ellis |
Back Timing - 72 Hours in the Tomb
Royce Ellis |
BC/AD Chart |
Body, Soul, Spirit Before & After Regeneration
Ellis Roy |
Old Line
Articles of Faith Scroll
Articles |
Showing Two Branches of Religion |
Timeline of the Old Testament Prophets
Elder Don
Richards |
Forums, Sermons
and Resources |
PBStudy.Org Research & Resources |
Baptist Digital Library |
Zion's Lamp - A Primitive Baptist
Quarterly Publication |
National Primitive Baptist Directory |
Cosmology Central - Science Lies About
God's Creation |
Texas Primitive Baptist Database |
Primitive Baptist Forum |
The Primitive Truth |
Rightly Dividing |
Primitive Baptist Sermons |
Essays by Elder Vernon Johnson |